April 23, 2021

5/3/2021 Board of Review - Meet to Adjourn Meeting

Meet to Adjourn until June 22nd, 2021

MAY 3, 2021

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Clerk Smith called the meeting to order at approximately 4:00 p.m.
Members present: Paul Jansen; Laurin Miller; Cheryl Mantz; Village President, Jeff Knutson; Village Clerk, Cassie Smith;
Also Present: Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, Jackie Schuh;

2. Nominations for Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson

President Jeff Knutson motioned, seconded by Cheryl Mantz to nominate Laurin Miller as Chairperson.
Laurin Miller accepted the nomination.

Motion carried by roll call vote 5-0.

President Jeff Knutson motioned, seconded by Cassie Smith to nominate Cheryl Mantz as Vice-Chairperson.
Cheryl Mantz accepted the nomination.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5-0.

3. Confirm appropriate Board of Review and Open Meeting Notices

Village Clerk Cassie Smith confirmed that the meeting posting requirements were met with the following:
1) May 3, 2021 Meeting to Adjourn, May 19, 2021 Open Book, and June 22, 2021 Board of Review were posted on the website and hung at the Village Hall and the downtown Kiosk.
2) May 3, 2021 Meeting to Adjourn Agenda, which includes the notice of the next meeting on June 22, 2021 were posted on the website at Pewaukee Library, the two doors at Village Hall and the Downtown Kiosk.
3) The Official Public Notice of the Board of Review Meeting was published in the Waukesha Freeman on April 15, 2021.

4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

a. May 12, 2020
Laurin Miller motioned, seconded by Paul Jansen to approve the May 12, 2020 minutes of the regular Board of Review meeting as presented.

Motion carried by roll call vote 5-0.

5. Adjournment

Cheryl Mantz motioned, seconded by Jeff Knutson to adjourn the May 3, 2021 Board of Review meeting at approximately 4:08 p.m.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jackie Schuh
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer


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