Municipal Resolutions are the expression of opinion or will of the Village Board. Common Resolutions include temporary matters such as employment matters, granting of special privileges, communications with other governmental units, and matters of record that do not rise to the dignity of an Ordinance (law).








  • Resolution 2020-01 through 2020-07 - General obligation bonds
  • Resolution 2020-08 - Exercising special assessment powers for West Ave
  • Resolution 2020-09 - Authorization of a Wisconsin DNR healthy lakes grant application
  • Resolution 2020-10 - Authorization of a Wisconsin DNR healthy lakes grant application - updated
  • Resolution 2020-11 - Authorization of road reconstruction and levying assessment against benefited properties
  • Resolution 2020-12 - Awarding the sale of $6,625,000 of general obligation corporate purpose bonds
  • Resolution 2020-13 - not adopted
  • Resolution 2020-14 - Establishing participating procedures for the Village comprehensive plan update #1 
  • Resolution 2020-15 - Essential government function/employees
  • Resolution 2020-16 - Authorization of a Wisconsin DNR boating and fishing State and Federal grant application
  • Resolution 2020-17 - Extending the State of Emergency order within the Village regarding Covid-19
  • Resolution 2020-18 - Extending the State of Emergency order within the Village regarding Covid-19
  • Resolution 2020-19 - DNR 2019 Compliance Maintenance Report
  • Resolution 2020-20 - Commitment of the required funding for the Pewaukee Public Library for 2021 tax purposes
  • Resolution 2020-21 - Approval of the Joint Park and Recreation comprehensive plan
  • Resolution 2020-22 - Amendment of the master plan/comprehensive plan to change the land use designation of 357 Morris St from IPS to R-M