This page will list election notices, publications, and sample ballots.  Past notices will remain until current notices are available.


To find your polling location: **Please note, ALL voters regardless of their ward number vote at WCTC**

  • Find your address on the voter map.  The ward assignments listing is updated to reflect changes from the 2021 redistricting activities. 
  • Visit the MyVote webpage and enter in your address.  Your polling location will appear for the address entered. 

All Village of Pewaukee Voters will report to Waukesha County Technical College - 'C' (RTA Center) Building to vote on election day for the April 1, 2025 Election**


Voters may come to the Village Hall to vote absentee 2 weeks prior to the election except the Monday before an election when voters may not vote or register until Election day.

March 18 - 21, 2025 & March 24 - 28, 2025 - Spring Election

Register to Vote

NOTICE **On September 15, 2023, a Waukesha County Circuit Court recently ruled that the National Form (NVRA) may not be used for voter registration in Wisconsin.  Braun v. WEC, 2022CV1336.  Please use or fill out the Wisconsin Voter Registration Form.  


To register to vote:

  • Visit the MyVote webpage which enables Wisconsin residents to register to vote and request an absentee ballot.  You are also able to view your voting history. 
  • Complete a Voter Registration form and return it to our office with an acceptable Proof of Residency (list is on page 2 of the form).


To request an absentee ballot:

  • Visit the MyVote webpage which enables Wisconsin residents to register to vote and request an absentee ballot.  You are also able to view your voting history. 
  • Complete an Absentee Ballot Request Form and return it to our office with a copy of your acceptable voter ID (listed on page 2). 
  • Send your request by email or mail your request to the Village Clerk at 235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI  53072.
    • Include your full name
    • Current address
    • Mailing address
    • Indicate which election(s) you would like an absentee ballot for
    • Include a copy of your current acceptable Proof of Identification 
  • If you certify you are indefinitely confined you are confirming that you are certifying that you am indefinitely confined because of age, illness, infirmity or disability and request absentee ballots be sent to me automatically until I am no longer confined, or I fail to return a ballot. Anyone who makes false statements in order to obtain an absentee ballot may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or both per Wis. Stats. ยงยง 12.13(3)(i), 12.60(1)(b).

The Village utilizes Badger Books (electronic poll books) to record voter participation.

When you arrive at the voting site you will be asked to state your name and address and show your acceptable photo identification just as you would in any other election.  The poll worker will be locating your voter record on the electronic device where you will sign your name just as you would on the paper poll book.  This new improved process will help facilitate the line (no need to split alphabetically) and assist with voter registration.

Badger books are not connected to the internet.  

To view the informational video please click the link:

2025 election schedule:

  • February 18, 2025 - Spring Primary 
  • April 1, 2025 - Spring Election

In-person absentee starts 14 days before the election.  To vote in-person absentee visit Village Hall between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.  Please note that no voting or registrations may take place the Monday before an election.

Polls are open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. 

Visit the Wisconsin Election Commission for more information regarding Wisconsin Elections.

Residents of Waukesha County can sign up to be poll workers in any municipality within the County.  

The Village of Pewaukee is always recruiting poll workers to perform services at each polling location within the municipality.

Duties include:

  • Machine tender
  • Greeter
  • Absentee processor
  • Poll book management
  • Registration processor

To view poll worker training videos click here.

Election workers may volunteer their time or be paid minimum wage at $7.25 per hour.  

If you are interested in becoming an election poll worker please fill out an application and return it to the Village Clerk.

Thank you for your interest in running for a municipal office!

You may view the current list of incumbents and their associated offices by viewing the Type A Notice.

Visit the Wisconsin Election Commission for information on running for office.

If you have decided to run for a Village of Pewaukee seat, please review and complete the Candidate Packet (pdf).  You may begin circulating nomination paperwork on December 1st which is due in the Clerk's Office on or before 5 p.m. the first Tuesday in January.  Nomination paperwork needs to include a minimum of 20 valid signatures but no more than 100.  Please review the disclaimer notice requirements and the sign placement ordinance to ensure you are placing lawful signage.

To view additional information click the links below:

Contact the Village Clerk with any questions.

Please note that your contact information may be given to those as requested.  

There are three Trustee seats and one President seat open for the Spring Election.
Three candidates have filed candidacy paperwork for Trustee:
Rachel Pader 546 Kopmeier Dr., email:
Nick Stauff 251 Oaklawn Ct., email:
Bob Rohde 766 Glacier Rd., email:

One candidate has filed candidacy paperwork for President:
Jeffrey Knutson 759 Glacier Rd., email:


On July 5, 2024, the Wisconsin Supreme Court overruled its prior decision and held that secure drop boxes were permitted under state law as a valid method of absentee ballot return. The use of drop boxes is not mandatory and is at the discretion of the municipal clerk. On September 17, 2024, the Village Board voted 5-1 to allow the use of ballot drop boxes.

Drop boxes are located outside the 2 main Village doors on Hickory St and Oakton Ave. They are under 24 hour surveillance and secure. 

Drop boxes will NOT be checked after 4:30 p.m. on Election Day. Voters dropping off their absentee ballots after 4:30 p.m. need to come to the polling location to have their ballot counted. 


As a reminder, an acceptable form of Voter Identification is required to vote in Wisconsin elections.  Please visit the Bring It to the Ballot website for more information.

If you are interested in running for a local office, follow this link to the Wisconsin Elections Commission for information.  You may also obtain the proper paperwork at the Village Hall.

Below you will find when elections are held for each office.

Spring Elections are for non-partisan offices.

  • If a Primary is necessary, it is held on the third Tuesday in February. 
  • The Spring Election is held on the first Tuesday in April.

Non-partisan offices include:

  • Local: Village President, Trustees, Municipal Judge and School Board Members:
  • County: County Board Supervisor, Multi-Jurisdictional Judge, County Executive, County Advisory Referendum if applicable
  • State: State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Justice of the Supreme Court, Circuit Court Judge, Court of Appeals Judge, Statewide Referendum if applicable

*The April election also includes the Presidential Preference Primary in a Presidential election year.

Fall Elections are for partisan offices and include a party preference category.

  • If a Primary is necessary it is held on the second Tuesday in August.
  • The General Election is held on the first Tuesday in November.

Partisan offices include:

  • President and Vice-President of the United States
  • Governor
  • Lieutenant Governor
  • Attorney General
  • Secretary of State
  • State Treasurer
  • United States Senator
  • Representative in Congress
  • State Senator
  • Representative to the Assembly
  • County District Attorney
  • County Clerk
  • County Treasurer
  • County Sheriff
  • County Clerk of Circuit Court
  • County Register of Deeds
  • Referendum, if applicable