Roles of Joint Review Board, Appointment of Chairperson and Public Member, Overview of TID #3
Village of Pewaukee
Joint Review Board Organizational Meeting
Regarding the Proposed Project Plan and District Boundary for Tax Incremental District (TID) No. 3 in the
Village of Pewaukee, Wisconsin via Zoom
February 9, 2021
1/2. Call to order/Roll Call
Clerk Smith called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Present: Waukesha County Representative, William Duckwitz – Budget Manager; Pewaukee School District Representative, John Gahan – Assistant Superintendent; Village of Pewaukee Representative, Village President Jeff Knutson
Also Present: Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; Village Clerk, Casandra Smith; Village Attorney, Mark Blum; Brian Ruechel, Robert W. Baird; Chuck Nichols
3. Discuss Role of the Joint Review Board
Brian Ruechel of Robert W. Baird reviewed the purpose of the Joint Review Board and stated that each taxing jurisdiction is entitled to have a representative with the responsibility to deny or approve the Tax Incremental District (TID). The process is to publish all required notices, hear the reason for the TID creation, hold a public hearing with the Plan Commission meeting who will make a recommendation to the Village Board, and forward their decision to the final meeting of the Joint Review Board. Approvals will be made by resolutions and an annual meeting is required for the district.
4. Appointment of Chairperson
President Knutson moved, seconded by William Duckwitz, to appoint John Gahan as the Chairperson of the Joint Review Board.
Motion carried on roll call vote 3-0.
5. Appointment of Public Member
President Knutson stated that he would like to nominate Chuck Nichols as the public member of this Board. Mr. Nichols is the current citizen member of the TID-2 Joint Review Board and therefore knowledgeable in this area. Mr. Nichols is also a former Village President and Village Trustee. Mr. Nichols responded to Mr. Duckwitz that he does not have any conflict of interests regarding the TID.
President Knutson moved, seconded by William Duckwitz, to appoint Chuck Nichols as the Public Member of the Joint Review Board.
Motion carried on roll call vote 3-0.
6. Overview and Purpose and Description of the TID Being Created
Administrator Gosse stated that the purpose of this TID is to focus on the redevelopment of the
St. Mary’s church property for which the Village has made an offer to purchase. The school and the gym have been vacant for many years and the goal is to develop the property with single-family homes. The sale of the church is intended as it is designated by the Village as a historical property. The property is currently tax-exempt and the proposed redevelopment would put the majority of the property on the tax rolls as a new and immediate increment.
Attorney Blum added that the Village is anticipating this being a blight elimination TID due to the structures on site being vacant for some time along with issues regarding infrastructure and access to the property. Some buildings will need asbestos abatement as well due to the age of the building. The cemetery will continue to be owned and operated by Queen of Apostles and the Archdiocese.
Due to the irregular shape of the properties, this is a difficult property to develop. Mr. Ruechel reviewed the Project Plan and District Boundary for TID 3 document as included in the agenda packet. Administrator Gosse responded to Mr. Duckwitz stating that the prospective development per the developer estimates about $400,000 per lot which creates a tax increment of approximately $23,000,000. Mr. Ruechel responded to Mr. Duckwitz that the tax rate is the current 2020 equalized tax rate from the WI DOR which is on the tax incremental tax worksheet. Administrator Gosse stated that the purchase price is on page 12 and all projections are conservative estimates but could add a threshold into the document to come back to this board if the amount exceeds what is presented.
Attorney Blum responded to Mr. Gahan that the top characteristics that make this blighted are the irregular shape, the infrastructure issues not being sufficient for redevelopment, and access to the site is difficult. This property has been on the market for some time with one developer that came forward but did not proceed.
Attorney Blum responded to Mr. Gahan regarding the church rehab; the vacant church is not part of the TID and any improvements will need to be made by the new owners. Attorney Blum responded to Mr. Gahan that the Village is not anticipating any revenue for rental of the church as it needs significant remodeling. Attorney Blum responded to Mr. Gahan, if the church is sold it will be a nominal amount recognizing that the new owner would have to spend a significant amount of money to bring the structure to the point that it would be able to be occupied.
Mr. Ruechel responded to Mr. Gahan that the call provisions are usually included at the sale and determined at that time. Attorney Blum responded to Mr. Duckwitz, that he doesn’t see any changes in the project plan because the church is not included in this plan but if it was determined that the church would be included in the project plan it would have to come back to the Board, but if not, there wouldn’t be a review needed as long as no additional funds are sought.
6. Set next meeting of March 9, 2021, for approval of the Tax Incremental District No. 3
The consensus was to set the next meeting to be held on March 9th, 2021 at 1 p.m.
3. Adjourn
Mr. Gahan moved, seconded by Mr. Duckwitz, to adjourn.
Motion carried unanimously at 1:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Casandra Smith
Village Clerk