Roles of Joint Review Board, Appointment of Chairperson and Public Member, Overview of TID #4
Village of Pewaukee Joint Review Board Regular Meeting Minutes (TID) NO. 4
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
1. Call to Order
Administrator Gosse called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Present: Waukesha County Representative Andrew Thelke; Pewaukee School District Representative John Gahan; Vice President of Finance/CFO Jane Kittel; Waukesha County Village of Pewaukee Representative, President Jeff Knutson;
Also Present: Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; Village Attorney, Mark Blum; Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, Jackie Schuh;
3. Discuss Role of the Joint Review Board
Brian Ruechel of Robert W. Baird reviewed the purpose of the Joint Review Board and stated that each taxing jurisdiction is entitled to have a representative with the responsibility to deny or approve the Tax Incremental District (TID). The process is to publish all required notices, hear the reason for the TID creation, hold a public hearing with the Plan Commission meeting who will make a recommendation to the Village Board, and forward their decision to the final meeting of the Joint Review Board. Approvals will be made by resolutions and an annual meeting is required for the district.
4. Appointment of Chairperson
Andrew Thelke moved, seconded by Jane Kittel, to appoint President Jeff Knutson as the Chairperson of the Joint Review Board.
Motion carried unanimously.
5. Appointment of Public Member
A brief discussion took place regarding Mr. Chuck Nichols and his experience with previous TIDs.
John Gahan moved, seconded by Andrew Thelke, to appoint Chuck Nichols as the Public Member of the Joint Review Board. Mr. Nichols accepted the nomination.
Motion carried unanimously.
6. Overview of purpose and description of the TID being created
Administrator Gosse stated the purpose of the TID being created is for a blight elimination district of three parcels under one tax key. The parcels are divided by Riverside and were once the location of a nursing home that closed in 2016. It has remained empty since. The parcels were rezoned to single-family, and recently as an infill redevelopment overlay district which will allow the development of housing with reduced lot sizes and setbacks. Gosse noted that this is a 13-acre site with a proposed 36-lot subdivision. The request for public assistance is for the demolition of the existing building, including asbestos mitigation, and to prepare the entire site for the developer to proceed with the build-out, which includes bringing in fill to elevate the entire site to alleviate the problems of the high water table. The Village Board had asked for multiple bids for the project, and the lowest came in at $1,942,950.00. Discussion followed regarding the amount of fill needed to make it buildable, details of the funding, and tax rates. Gosse stated that a development agreement will stipulate developer contribution in the case of lean years.
7. Set next meeting of April 12, 2022, for approval of the Tax Incremental District No.4
The consensus was to set the next meeting to be held on April 12, 2022, at 1 p.m.
8. Adjourn
President Jeff Knutson moved, seconded by Andrew Thelke, to adjourn the March 8, 2022 meeting at approximately 3:22 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Gosse
Village Administrator