July 15, 20227/22/2022 Joint Review Board Meeting
Annual Report and Audit of TID #2
TID #2 Joint Review Board Meeting Agenda
July 22, 2021
1:00 PM
Meeting Available on Zoom.us at the following meeting number:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88698082561 Passcode 194326
In lieu of participating via the Zoom website, the alternative telephone only dial-in is:
Telephone number: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 886 9808 2561 Passcode: 194326
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. New Business
a. Review of 2021 TID #2 Annual Report and Audit
3. Adjournment
Note: Notice is hereby given that a quorum of a Village Board, Committee and/or Commission may be present at this noticed meeting, and if so, this meeting shall be considered an informational meeting of that Committee or Commission and no formal action of that Committee or Commission shall occur. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services. To request such assistance, contact the Village Clerk at 262-691-5660.
Posted: July 15, 2022
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