Village of Pewaukee
Joint Review Board Regular Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 23, 2023
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Village President, Jeffrey Knutson, called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Present: Waukesha County Representative Andrew Thelke; Pewaukee School District Representative John Gahan; Vice President of Finance/CFO Jane Kittel; Village of Pewaukee Representative, President Jeff Knutson;
Also Present: Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; Village Clerk, Casandra Smith; Citizen Representative, Kelly Berriman
2. Joint Review Board Meeting Minutes
a. April 12, 2022
Andrew Thelke moved, seconded by Jane Kittel, to the April 12, 2022, Joint Review Board Minutes as Presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
b. July 22, 2022
Andrew Thelke moved, seconded by John Gahan, to the July 22, 2022, Joint Review Board Minutes as Presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
3. Appointment Public Member
Jane Kittel moved, seconded by Andrew Thelke, to appoint Kelly Berriman as the Public Member of the Joint Review Board.
Motion carried unanimously.
4. New Business
a. Review of 2022 TID #2 Annual Report and Audit
Administer Gosse stated that the TID is performing well and stated that future projects/funds consist of the following:
· Replacement of the Fishing Pier – completed in 2023.
· Jade Reef Properties PayGo - $140,000
· Pedestrian Bridge - $200,000
The pedestrian bridge may be funded by the Pewaukee River Partnership. Once a proposal has been presented and approved by the Village Board that item would be removed.
b. Review of 2022 TID #3 Annual Report and Audit
Administrator Gosse explained that TID#3 is the Cornerstone Development of the former St. Mary’s School property which was a tax-exempt property and the TID performing well. Funds for two future projects are being held for a portion of the demolition and contamination removal of the old school and rectory building. The TID may have a possibility to close early.
5. Adjourn
John Gahan moved, seconded by Jane Kittel, to adjourn the October 23, 2023, meeting at approximately 3:12 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Casandra Smith
Village Clerk