Budget Approval, Meet Warden Jason Roberts, Equipment Update, Season Updates, ATV Activities/Grants, Buoy Grant 2022 and Staff Update
Pewaukee Lake Advisory Committee Meeting
Monday, September, 20th, 2021
Village of Pewaukee, 235 Hickory Street
Present: City of Pewaukee Alderman I. Clark, Village of Pewaukee Trustee E. Hill, and Delafield Supervisor J. Woelfle arrived at 5:11 p.m.
Also Present: Village of Pewaukee PD Chief Tim Heier, Village of Pewaukee PD Sgt. Luke Twelmeyer, and Village Clerk Casandra Smith
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, and Roll Call
Trustee Hill called the meeting to order at approximately 5:04 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silence.
The items below were discussed out of order per the consensus of the Committee.
2. Approval of Minutes from 9/24/2020
Supervisor Woelfle moved to approve the September 24, 2020 minutes as presented, Alderman Clark seconded.
Motion carried 3-0.
3. Citizen Comments - None.
4. Discussion and possible action regarding concerns relating to:
4.1 Budget Approval
Sgt. Twelmeyer stated that the 2022 budget mirrors the 2021 budget; he is asking for no additional funds. Twelmeyer explained that the lake patrol uses their fund balance to buy new equipment to maintain a fiscally responsible budget. Boats are purchased every 5 years and due to buying a boat last year, the next boat purchase would be in about 3-4 years. Twelmeyer responded to Alderman Clark that the citation revenue netted last year was $960.
Supervisor Woelfle moved, seconded by Alderman Clark to approve the budget as presented.
Motion carried 3-0.
4.2 Meet Warden Jason Roberts
Warden Roberts stated that he will be covering our area until early 2022 and shared his contact information with the Committee so that they have the ability to reach out regarding DNR concerns. Discussions continued regarding additional slips and lake weed problems which the warden will follow up on.
4.3 Equipment Update
Sgt. Twelmeyer stated that one of the boats is already in storage and winterized for the year at building 2 in Pewaukee. The second boat is still on the water to be used in the event of an emergency. Twelmeyer has secured a free boat slip between spring and October 15 as well as a free heated storage area for the second boat. Both boats are now equipped with medical bags and all officers are first responder and CPR certified. The Lake Patrol unit now has snap lights in stock and throwable life jackets for those who are in need. The two major purchases for 2022 are sonar equipment and permanent radios.
4.4 Season Updates
Sgt. Twelmeyer stated that the committee should be getting the monthly reports. Officers' training consisted of first responder, CPR, and integrated training with the Pewaukee Fire Department, Delafield Fire Department, and County Dive Team. Twelmeyer stated that he has been utilizing businesses, launches, piers, and written warnings to educate the public regarding wake/surf boats. There were three launches that were updated with new signage.
4.5 ATV Activities / Grant for UTV
Sgt. Twelmeyer stated that each winter the Lake Patrol has about 4-5 ATV shifts. The consensus of the Committee was to still continue a presence on the lake in the winter months. Twelmeyer stated that if the Lake Patrol is going to continue with the winter patrol the committee should look at options for purchasing a UTV as these would be more conducive to their needs than ATV's and the currently owned ATV's are old and are requiring an increase in maintenance. The estimated cost per municipality would be about $3,400 each. Supervisor Woelfle expressed that each committee member should bring this item up to their board during the 2023 budget discussion.
4.6 Buoy Grant 2022
Sgt. Twelmeyer stated that this year no buoy grant was submitted because the inventory was sufficient but it will be something needed for next year. The estimate is about 50 buoys are needed for 2022 because they get stolen and beat up. The DNR splits the cost with the Lake Patrol reimbursing the total cost at 50%. Twelmeyer stated that he has built relationships with Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District and the Park and Recreation Department to assist with placing and picking up buoys.
4.7 Staff Update
Sgt. Twelmeyer explained that the Lake Patrol unit is made up of retired officers with a multitude of different backgrounds. Six of the officers are certified boater safety trainers. In August the officers are burnt out and therefore he asked to be allowed to hire an additional officer for Lake Patrol which would cost about $300 in additional training but no increase in wages.
Alderman Clark moved, seconded by Supervisor Woelfle to approve the hiring of one additional Lake Patrol Officer.
Motion carried 3-0.
5. Schedule next meeting as needed
The committee asked Supervisor Woelfle to gather dates for the next meeting in January 2022 due to the meeting being held at the Town of Delafield.
6. Motion to Adjourn
Supervisor Woelfle moved, seconded by Alderman Clark to adjourn the September 20, 2021 Pewaukee Lake Advisory Committee.
Motion carried 3-0.
Casandra Smith
Village of Pewaukee Village Clerk