Key West Update, Buoy Update, Audit Submission, and Joint Project with Park and Recreation Department at the Beach
November 16th 2021 at 5:00pm
Village of Pewaukee 235 Hickory St, Pewaukee, WI 53072
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, and Roll Call
Trustee Hill called the meeting to order at approximately 5:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silence.
Present: City of Pewaukee Alderman I. Clark, Village of Pewaukee Trustee E. Hill, and Delafield Supervisor J. Woelfle arrived.
Also Present: Village of Pewaukee PD Sgt. Luke Twelmeyer, and Village Clerk, Casandra Smith
2. Approval of Minutes from 9/20/2021
Supervisor Woelfle moved to approve the September 20, 2021 minutes as presented, Alderman Clark seconded.
Motion carried 3-0.
3. Citizen Comments - None.
4. Discussion and possible action regarding concerns relating to:
4.1 Key West Update
Sgt. Twelmeyer stated that the Key West boat went in for service and it was discovered that the motor head gasket had been blown. The motor had over 1,000 hours on it and Racine Riverside Marine doesn't suggest fixing it. After searching for a replacement motor an Evinrude Outboard Engine was found with 5 hours of use and a 10-year warranty for $20,235 located at Waupaca Chain Skiers. The lowest cost to rig the motor was from East Troy Marine for $3,146.98 (without sales tax) for a total cost of $23,381.98. Sgt. Twelmeyer stated that the DNR offers a 20% depreciation schedule over 5 years which means the DNR will pay for 99% of the cost of the motor.
Supervisor Woelfle moved to approve the purchase of the 225 HP Evinrude Motor as presented in the amount not to exceed $23,381.98, Alderman Clark seconded.
Motion carried 3-0.
4.2 Buoy Update / Grant
Sgt. Twelmeyer explained that the quote from Walsh Marine Products includes the replacement of 12 defective buoys at no cost and 40 additional replacement buoys at a total cost of $7,760. He proposed placing the wording "Village of Pewaukee" and assigning a number to each buoy to deter stealing of the buoys and for the safety of dedicating a numbered buoy to the same spot each year. Assigning buoy numbers would take several years to complete but Twelmeyer feels it would be beneficial to the lake goers. Sgt. Twelmeyer proposed hazard area buoys that would be put at designated areas throughout the lake. The current buoys get damaged quickly and do not sit as they should. These buoys sit on top of the water and alert the lake users of hazards in the lake. The buoys cost an additional $200 per buoy but they should last 3-4 years vs. 1-2 years currently. The proposed dam buoy would be an improved look and does cost a bit more. The DNR reimburses 50% of the buoy purchases. Discussion continued regarding the different buoy types, cost, and the additional lettering and numbering.
Supervisor Woelfle moved to purchase buoys in the amount of $13,025 as presented on the Walsh Marine Products quote with the design details to be determined at a later date, seconded by Clark.
Motion carried 3-0.
4.3 Audit Submission
Sgt. Twelmeyer explained the Municipal Boat Patrol Annual Report and stated that in 2021 citations issued increased and warnings issued decreased proportionately. The water safety patrol wages were consistent with 2020 and the net cost of the Lake Patrol was $42,603.85
4.4 Joint Project with Park and Rec for Pewaukee Beach
Sgt. Twelmeyer proposed his plan to bring a more safe and aesthetically pleasing beach. He plans to work with the Joint Park & Recreation Board to move the swim area away from 130 W Wisconsin's piers which is a safety concern. He suggested the use of wave attenuation buoys to prevent erosion control and reduce the waves coming into shore. Discussion followed regarding moving the beach area, how to install the wave attenuation buoys and if a grant would cover this expense. Twelmeyer stated that he will continue to get more information and deliver the information as he has it available.
5. Schedule next meeting as needed
The consensus of the Committee was that the next meeting will be held at the City of Pewaukee in March or April.
6. Motion to Adjourn
Supervisor Woelfle moved to adjourn the November 16, 2021 meeting at 5:45 p.m., Alderman Clark seconded.
Motion carried 3-0.
Casandra Smith
Village of Pewaukee Village Clerk