Pewaukee Lake Advisory Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Village of Pewaukee, 235 Hickory Street
Present: Village of Pewaukee Trustee, Ed Hill; Delafield Supervisor, Joseph Woelfle; and City of Pewaukee Alderman, Ian Clark.
Also Present: Village of Pewaukee PD Chief, Tim Heier; Village of Pewaukee PD Sgt., Luke Twelmeyer; Village of Pewaukee Clerk, Cassie Smith; and Trustee Jim Grabowski.
1.0 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
Trustee Hill called the meeting to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silence.
2.0 Approval of Minutes from September 26, 2022
Delafield Supervisor Woelfle moved, seconded by Village of City of Pewaukee Alderman Clark to approve the Pewaukee Lake Advisory Committee meeting on September 26, 2022 minutes as presented.
Motion carried 3-0.
3.0 Citizen Comments
4.0 Discussion and possible action regarding concerns relating to:
4.1 Update on Staffing
Sgt. Twelmeyer explained that as he stated one member retired therefore, they promoted Schmackle to Lake patrol Sgt. He spoke regarding the hiring of four candidates one candidate dropped out, one is in the final stages of hiring and the other two are in the background stage. After hiring the three mentioned candidates the Lake Patrol will have 10 officers.
4.2 Rent-to-Own Boat Lift for Lake St
Sgt. Twelmeyer explained that he was approached last Oct about pier sections that were left over from the transient pier owned by the Village of Pewaukee. He intends to place the pier off of Lake Street for Lake patrol to utilize. Details are being discussed and contacts with Lake Country Barge were made to rent to own a lift. The amount paid for rent would be subtracted in the event the Lake Patrol would like to purchase the lift. Discussion regarding response time, and the advantages of renting to own.
Delafield Supervisor Woelfle moved, seconded by City Alderman Clark to approve the rental of the Boat Lift in the amount not to exceed $300 per year. Motion carried 3-0.
4.3 Side Scan Sonar for Mako
Sgt. Twelmeyer stated the side scan sonar was budgeted in 2023. The idea was that both boats would have scan sonar available for use. Johnson Outdoors gave the Lake Patrol a discount and the cost is reimbursable through a DNR grant.
4.3 Body Worn Cameras
Sgt. Twelmeyer explained that body-worn cameras were discussed in the past and a grant was completed in October and the grant was approved for the Lake Patrol. The cameras were not budgeted for 2023.
Alderman Clark asked if the cameras are waterproof, and Sgt. Twelmeyer responded and stated that they are water resistant but not waterproof. Discussion regarding the cost of IT services, implementation, and the grant acceptance timeline continued.
The consensus of the committee was to direct Sgt. Twelmeyer to inquire about an extension for the body-worn cameras and garner costs related to IT and storage to discuss at the next meeting.
5. Schedule next meeting date as needed
No dates were presented.
6. Motion to Adjourn
Alderman Clark moved, seconded by Supervisor Woelfle to adjourn the April 6, 2023, Pewaukee Lake Advisory Committee meeting, at approximately 5:56 p.m. Motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cassie Smith
Village Clerk
Village of Pewaukee