April 2, 2021

4/8/2021 Plan Commission Meeting

Public Hearings: 849 Sussex St., 433 Park Ave., 1045 Hickory St., 1151 Hickory St.; Chapter 8 of the Comprehensive Plan; CUGs for 849 Sussex St., 433 Park Ave., 1045 and 1151 Hickory St.; Sign Code Waiver 690 Westfield Way Unit G; Municipal Code language changes regarding Vision Clearance Triangles; Municipal code language changes for R-5 Single-Family Residential District with Residential Infill Redevelopment Overlay District; 46-lot Preliminary Plat at 449 W. Wisconsin Ave.; Concept Development plan for 230 Sussex St.; Municipal Code language changes for B-5 Light Industrial Zoning District; Scheduling of possible Special Plan Commission meeting;

APRIL 8, 2021

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

President Jeff Knutson called the Zoom meeting to order at approximately 7:01 p.m.
Plan Commission members present: Comm. Joe Zompa, Comm. Eric Rogers, Comm. Jim Grabowski, Trustee Craig Roberts and President Jeff Knutson. Comm. Cheryl Mantz and Comm. Ryan Lange were excused.
Also present: Village Planner Mary Censky, Village Attorney Mark Blum, Village Engineer Tim Barbeau, Village Administrator Scott Gosse and Deputy Clerk-­Treasurer Jackie Schuh.

2. Public Hearings

a. Review and discussion on the Conditional Use Grant request of applicant/property owner Jeffrey Krueger to construct a 4,000 square foot accessory storage structure on his 3.97­acre parcel located at 849 Sussex Street. The property is Zoned R-­2 Single Family Residential District. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.

b. Review and discussion on the Conditional Use Grant request of applicants/property owners Jeff and Suzi Ellington to permit side yard offsets and front yard setback less than Code requirement for a new home they propose to construct at 433 Park Avenue. The property is Zoned R-­5 (LO) Single Family Residential with Lakefront Overlay District. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.
Jeff and Suzi Ellington @ 433 Park Ave ­ Mr. Ellington informed the Commission that they are both present to answer any questions.  Planner Mary Censky requested permission to share a letter she received from a neighbor of the Ellingtons which she was granted. The letter was displayed on the screen.

c. Review and discussion on the Conditional Use Grant request of applicant Ken Kreitlow to utilize a 10,000 sq. ft. area within the existing building located at 1045 Hickory Street for indoor parking/storage of boats, boat-related accessories and RV’s. The property owner is RTE Corporation. The property is Zoned B-­5 Light Industrial District. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.

d. Review and discussion on the Conditional Use Grant request of property owner/applicant 1151 Hickory Street LLC in c/o Ken Kreitlow to develop an outdoor parking/storage area for boats, boat-related accessories and RV’s on the 2.8-acre lot located north of and adjacent to 1151 Hickory Street. The property is Zoned B-­5 Light Industrial District. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.

3. Citizen Comments

Mike Wood @ 166 Ormsby St -­ Mr. Wood stated he was speaking on behalf of himself and others in attendance at the meeting in regards to the proposed business "The Zone." Mr. Wood believes there are presently issues with traffic, speeding and disregard for stop signs in this neighborhood. He has concerns about increased traffic and safety issues as there are young children in the neighborhood. He submitted a petition signed by neighbors on the street and asked that alternate access drives be considered at a minimum. He inquired as to the proposed hours of operation.
Ken Neumann @ 140 Caldwell St -­ Per Mr. Neumann, there are already traffic and parking concerns with the existing business on the corner. He believes there is no need for a business like 'The Zone' as there is already a park right there.
Mike Bogart @ 151 Orsmby St ­- Mr. Bogart is a 30-­year resident who loves his neighborhood. He believes traffic is already an issue with The Harvest House business on the corner, as well as frequent trains. He has concerns for the wetland and inquired as to what the setbacks/offsets for The Zone are.
Joe Orendorf of Cornerstone Development @ N63W2389 Main St, Sussex -­ Mr. Orendorf stated he is present as a representative of Cornerstone.
Barbie Fera @ 117 Ormsby St -­ Ms. Fera is the mother of small children in the area where The Zone is proposed. She already cannot let her children play in the front with the traffic issues from The Harvest Home business. She believes that traffic problems would increase.

4. Approval of the Minutes:

a. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – March 11, 2021
Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Rogers to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2021, Regular Plan Commission meeting as presented.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5­-0-­0.

b. Special Plan Commission Meeting – March 16, 2021
Comm. Zompa motioned, seconded by Comm. Rogers to approve the minutes of the March 16, 2021, Special Plan Commission meeting as presented.
Motion carried by roll call vote 4­-0-­1 with Comm. Grabowski abstaining.

5. Old Business ­ Item 5a. was postponed to a later meeting.

a. Review and discussion regarding portions of the Village of Pewaukee Comprehensive Plan update in progress – i.e. Chapter 8 ­ Transportation and Facilities Element. There may also be discussion regarding its relationship(s)/connectivity to the recently completed Village of Pewaukee Strategic Plan Update.

6. New Business

a. Withdrawn -­ Item 6a. was withdrawn prior to the meeting.

b. Review and discussion on the Conditional Use Grant request of applicant/property owner Jeffrey Krueger to construct a 4,000 square foot accessory storage structure on his 3.97­acre parcel located at 849 Sussex Street. The property is Zoned R-­2 Single Family Residential District. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.
Per Planner Censky, the proposed 4000 sq. ft. accessory storage building/detached garage may be permitted in the R­2 single­-family zone with approval of a conditional use grant. Effective screening plans/implementation may be required as a condition of a CUG to mitigate the impacts of a larger structure. With the addition of the proposed structure, the site would still be compliant with the minimum required 30% open space and 20% maximum building coverage ratio. It is 16 feet in height where 15 feet is allowable. Intended use is the storage of personal motor vehicles including an RV. No paved drive is proposed. The building material is proposed to be primarily metal. Engineer Tim Barbeau stated there is no need for sanitary sewer or water and that he does not find any drainage issues that will cause adverse effects on adjacent properties. Discussion followed regarding the size of the building, its intended use, possible needs for extra screening as well as the definition of a garage. Attorney Blum indicated that the applicant must show hardship in order to be granted a variance as to height if he chooses to pursue that at the Board of Appeals. The applicant indicated that the size of his camper requires a larger door. Attorney Blum clarified that the request is not related to the site itself to which the applicant responded, "No." The need for utilities is likely just for lights for the interior but unknown for the exterior at this time.  The applicant noted that there is a possibility for security­-type lighting in the future. President Knutson directed him to come back to the Commission with more information at a later date.

c. Review and discussion on the Conditional Use Grant request of applicants/property owners Jeff and Suzi Ellington to permit side yard offsets and front yard setback less than Code requirement for a new home they propose to construct at 433 Park Avenue. The property is Zoned R-­5 (LO) Single Family Residential with Lakefront Overlay District. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.
Per Planner Censky, this was the topic of a consult at the prior month's Plan Commission meeting. The applicant proposes to tear down the existing structures and replace them with a single­-family dwelling with an attached garage. They are proposing a 13-­ft. setback instead of the required 35 ft., as well as a 7­-ft. offset instead of the required 8 ft. Although there is no action to be taken at this meeting, Planner Censky's recommendations include the following: 1) Applicant to remove the depiction of a vehicle and/or driveway space parked on/placed in the public right­-of-­way from any drawings and exhibits related to this request; 2) Recording of the Conditional Use Grant prior to issuance of a building permit for the new house with attached garage. Engineer Barbeau indicated that the plans submitted did not include any drainage plans. He highly recommends that all the gutters and downspouts be connected underground and directed towards the lake, out­-letting past any adjacent house onto the grass so that there are some water quality benefits before it gets to the lake. If the owner is inclined to run the water along the side lot lines since they have additional room, swales should be created such that the water runs towards the lake on their own property and is not directed onto an adjacent property. He recommends that a stipulation be added for staff approval of a drainage plan for the property prior to any building permits being issued. Attorney Blum indicated that there should also be recertification of the grades showing compliance with the plans following completion of construction. The Commission responded favorably.

d. Review, discussion and possible action on the Sign Code Waiver request of applicant Courtney Fryatt d/b/a Venture Wellness to install a wall sign on her tenant space façade in excess of the Code maximum as to size. The property is located at 690­-G Westfield Way. It is zoned B­-1 Community Business District. The property owner is 690 Westfield Way LLC.
Planner Censky relayed the applicant's position that a 30 sq. ft. sign for the remote location of this building is insufficient as to visibility from surrounding streets and/or drives. The applicant proposes a 35.73 sq. ft. tenant identification wall sign where code provides for 30 sq. ft. Per Censky, the Commission has granted similar requests for other tenants in this building. She notes that the proposed sign fits the scale of the intended facade space. Discussion followed.
Comm. Zompa motioned, seconded by Comm. Grabowski to approve the Sign Code Waiver request to install a 35.73 sq. ft. wall sign on the tenant space in excess of the Code maximum as to size with the following recommendations:
1) Applicant to secure all necessary permits, such as but not limited to Sign Permit, Electrical Permit,...prior to placement/installation at the site.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5-­0-­0.

e. Review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Village Board to modify the language of Section 40.424 of the Municipal Code regarding Vision Clearance Triangles at intersections. Village initiated.
Planner Censky walked the Commission through the logistics of how the 'Vision Triangle' is calculated and explained the language changes that will clarify it further. She also reviewed with the Commission what other municipalities have established for comparison. Discussion followed regarding past discussions on this topic, how to enforce such limits, speed limits and how they may impact these calculations. Attorney Blum suggested adding parameters such as 'safety, health and well-being' when referring to reprieve being granted by the Plan Commission for special circumstances. Engineer Barbeau indicated there may already be some items defined and suggested contact with the Director of the DPW, Dan Naze. President Knutson requested that Planner Censky rework the language utilizing the suggestions made, as well as with the assistance of Attorney Blum, and return to the Plan Commission at a later meeting.

f. Review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Village Board to modify Section 40.204 of the Municipal Code adding the use “Private Neighborhood-­Based Clubhouse with or without Indoor and/or Outdoor Recreational Facilities” as a Conditional Use in the R-­5 Single-Family Residential Zoning District. Village initiated.
Planner Censky indicated that the R-­5 Single-­Family Residential Zoning District does not currently list 'private clubhouse-­type facilities' as a conditional use, but there may be a need for such language in the code. She described what this type of facility might entail. Discussion followed regarding whether such language should be a part of the R-­5 or the Infill District as well as what constitutes a structure and whether that would include something such as a pagoda or grill in a common area or a playground/park-­type area. The Commission desired to see the language further developed.
Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Trustee Roberts to table Item 6f.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5-­0-­0.

g. Review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Village Board of the 46-lot single-­family residential Preliminary Plat for The Glen at Pewaukee Lake Subdivision. The applicant is John Wahlen of Cornerstone Development (d/b/a The Glen at Pewaukee Lake). The property owner is Queen of Apostles and/or Village of Pewaukee. The property is zoned R­-5 Single­-Family Residential District with Residential Infill­ Redevelopment Overlay District.
Planner Censky reviewed updates to the Plat as discussed at the last meeting. The 46 lots are all compliant as to minimum area (i.e. minimum required lot area = 7,000 sq.ft., and minimum required average lot size = 8,500 sq.ft.). The plat depicts a compliant “detail” regarding setbacks and offsets except that they propose a 20 ft. setback from the private streets while still maintaining the required 25 ft. setback along the public streets. All interior roads are proposed to be privately owned and maintained. No sidewalks are proposed along the private interior roads. All existing sidewalks along W. Wisconsin Avenue, Quinlan Drive and High Street will be maintained in place and replaced if damaged during the course of construction. One deciduous tree is proposed to be located within 15 feet of the curb of the private street in each lot’s street frontage area. These trees will be at least 2-inch caliper at chest height at planting and the species will be approved by Village staff prior to installation. Prior to or concurrent with the final plat submission, the applicant will submit a portfolio of sample architectural intentions. They will also provide a plan confirming the buildable footprint within each lot as adequate to meet the minimum home size (i.e. 1,100 minimum total sq.ft. with minimum 900 sq. ft. on the first floor), and confirming the ability to meet the minimum open space ratio (25%) and maximum building coverage ratio (35%). Street lighting details are not yet settled but at least one street light should be included at the W. Wisconsin Avenue street intersection and at the Quinlan Drive intersection. The building and other improvements (i.e. clubhouse and related outdoor recreation + parking) in Outlot 4 will require that the use first be added to the R-­5 underlying District as a prospective conditional use then properly applied for and ultimately approved by the Planning Commission). Outlot 7 will be retained by the developer (vs. owned by the future homeowners' association) as an unbuildable outlot. There is an easement proposed to serve Lots 31­-33 which lies over an easement already granted to “others”. The applicant must obtain proper easement approval from the “others” to utilize that space for private driveway/walkway purposes related to this development. All of the existing buildings underlying this plat must be removed prior to recording the final plat as the buildings will not comply with the setback and offset requirements of the District. Comm. Zompa indicated the need for adequate lighting on the street with the absence of sidewalks.
Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Rogers to recommend to the Village Board the 46-lot single­-family residential Preliminary Plat for The Glen at Pewaukee Lake Subdivision with the following recommendations:
1) Outlot 3 should be labeled;
2) Easement must be obtained for access to Lot 31­33;
3) Vision clearance triangles shall be Code compliant and dimensioned at the intersections with existing public streets;
4) Applicant to enter into a Development Agreement and Stormwater Management with the Village to memorialize the requirements and responsibilities of the developer as to all required improvements and terms of approval as to this development prior to or concurrent with Final Plat submittal.
5) The CSM number will need to be added to the final plat for all references to the CSM (several locations)
6) All easements should either be defined with notes on the final plat indicating the purpose, rights granted, to whom those rights are granted to and who is responsible for maintenance of the easement areas, or can be created by separate document and recorded when the final plat is recorded, with the document number of the recorded document noted on the final plat.
7) Soil borings have not been completed, but are required as part of the preliminary plat. The developer shall submit the soils report and boring locations to the Village when completed to determine if any additional notes need to be placed on the original plat (high groundwater, etc.).
8) The distance for the “legs” of the vision corner easements shall be shown on the final plat (15 feet).
9) Proposed centerline grades were not shown on the plat. If the road grades become a concern during the review of the construction plans, the Village may require additional notes to be placed on the final plat to notify owners of potential concerns.
10) Based on preliminary sizing information provided by the developer’s engineer, there is adequate space for the stormwater management facilities; however, we reserve the right to add notations to the final plat if needed based on the final stormwater management plan.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5­0­0.

h. Review, discussion and consultative feedback regarding the concept development plan of Tammy Ott d/b/a The Zone in c/o Tim Knepprath d/b/a Wellspring Construction for a ~40,000 sq.ft., indoor, multi­sports and recreation/entertainment facility to be constructed on a lot that would be split out of the southwest corner of 227 Sussex Street. The property owner is 230 Sussex Street LLC. The property is zoned B­5 Light Industrial District.
Planner Censky reviewed the setbacks/offsets of the proposed structure, as well as its intended uses, including tournaments and birthday parties. Entry/exit points are proposed for Maiden Lane at Ormsby and Caldwell, which feed directly into a residential neighborhood. Forty-­five parking stalls are depicted and the building would be principally metal with some masonry enhancements on the south and east walls. The applicant notes that a mezzanine level may also be included in the floor plan for presently unknown purposes. Engineer Barbeau expressed concerns with sewer and water and states the roads proposed for access are narrow and do not meet specifications for commercial use. He stated he has not received a grading plan and indicated that a developer faces several challenges with this lot. Discussion followed regarding inadequate streets for commercial use, the need for a traffic study, the facade of the proposed building and expressed concern for the proximity to a residential area. The Commission favored the concept but not in a residential area.

i. Review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Village Board to modify Section 40.316 of the Municipal Code adding the use “Indoor or Outdoor Recreational and Entertainment Facilities” as a Conditional Use in the B­-5 Light Industrial Zoning District. The applicant is Tim Knepprath d/b/a Wellspring Construction.
The Commission reviewed this item in conjunction with item 6h. Planner Censky indicated that the B­-1 Community Business and the B­-2 Downtown Business District already list 'Indoor or outdoor recreational and entertainment facilities' among the conditional uses that can be considered for approval. Attorney Blum suggested that the need for a neighborhood information meeting may be present based on the feedback of several residents already. This information can then be utilized in creating any language changes to code. He also reminded the Commission and applicant that should the Commission recommend to the board any changes that a public hearing would also be necessary. Blum also reminded the Commission that any conditional use should be specific in nature, rather than vague, so as to have complete criteria for approval/denial.
Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Rogers to table the discussion on Item 6i.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5-­0-­0.

j. Review and discussion on the Conditional Use Grant request of applicant Ken Kreitlow to utilize a 10,000 sq. ft. area within the existing building located at 1045 Hickory Street for indoor parking/storage of boats, boat-related accessories and RV’s. The property owner is RTE Corporation. The property is Zoned B­5 Light Industrial District. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.
Planner Censky reviewed the applicant's request to occupy approximately 70,000 sq. ft. for indoor parking and storage of RVs and boats, with approximately 4,000 sq. ft. for use as sales/retail. This is a permitted use in the B-­5 district. Per Censky, the applicant would plan a phased approach to occupancy of the remainder of the building. Discussion followed regarding ventilation/air exchange needs if there are vehicles entering/leaving the facility. The Commission responded favorably to the applicant's request.

k. Review and discussion on the Conditional Use Grant request of property owner/applicant 1151 Hickory Street LLC in c/o Ken Kreitlow to develop an outdoor parking/storage area for boats, boat­related accessories and RV’s on the 2.8-acre lot located north of and adjacent to 1151 Hickory Street. The property is Zoned B­-5 Light Industrial District. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.
Planner Censky reviewed details of the consultation from the December 10, 2020 meeting and indicated that the applicant is now requesting full consideration and possible approval of his outdoor storage lot for boats, RV’s and related accessories such as docks, lifts, and similar through Conditional Use Grant. Per Censky, this lot is only accessible via the lot to the south at 1151 Hickory Street and only because they’re in common ownership at this time. A permanent ingress/egress easement (in addition to the temporary “construction access”) shown on the plan, should be provided to serve this use. The plan calls for a gravel lot (ultimately finished with a compacted recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) surface) to cover the majority of the site. While the Code would call for a 50­foot setback for the fencing from Forest Grove Drive, the applicant is requesting a 20­ ft. setback. A pre­existing fence along the west lot line is less than 10 ft. offset (as required by Code). Where the proposed new fence ties into this existing fence is also less than 10 ­ft. offset. An 8 ­ft. tall woven metal fence with privacy slats surrounding on the outside by Colorado Spruce trees planted at 15 ft. on ­center, 6­8 ft. tall at installation is proposed. The balance of the green space outside of the fence will be maintained as turf. There is one entry/exit gate shown and it faces the west lot line. No outdoor lighting or signage is proposed at this time. Engineer Barbeau spoke of the possible drainage issues with the proposed location of the access point. He noted that they are proposing to extend the edge of the pond into the parking area such that in times of the 100­-year storm, there will be parking areas that would be inundated with water. He noted several inconsistencies between their plans and the reports. Discussion followed regarding the need for a water quality analysis and fencing slats. Planner Censky indicated the need to draft, review and record an easement with staff collaboration.

l. Discussion and possible action on scheduling a Special Meeting for possible action on the Conditional Use Grant Application Items.
The Commission agreed to a Special Pan Commission meeting on Monday, April 12, 2021 at 6pm.

7. Citizen Comments

Eric Rogers @ 1154 Riverway Ct -­ Mr. Rogers announced that his term on the Village of Pewaukee Plan Commission ends at the end of this month and that the April 12th meeting will be his last meeting. He is retiring.
Judy Berg @ 169 Ormsby St -­ Ms. Berg spoke against the proposed sporting facility on Maiden Lane. She spoke to the applicants prior to the meeting and they discussed it as a competitive facility. She requested a neighborhood meeting and/or public hearings for items such as the recreational facility. She stated the proposed building would be 100 ft. from her yard. She is also concerned about parking issues.
Theresa Hoff @ 1276 Timber Ridge ­- Ms. Hoff thanked Comm. Eric Rogers for his years of service on behalf of the 'church ladies' and Queen of Apostles. She thanked him and wished him good luck!

8. Adjournment

Comm. Rogers motioned, seconded by Comm. Zompa to adjourn the April 8, 2021 Regular Plan Commission meeting at approximately 10:08 p.m.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5-­0-­0.

Respectfully submitted,

Jackie Schuh
Deputy Clerk­Treasurer
Village of Pewaukee

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