May 14, 2021

5/20/2021 Special Plan Commission Meeting

CUG for 161 W. Wisconsin Ave. Unit B

May 20, 2021

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

President Jeff Knutson called the Zoom meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m.
Plan Commission members present: Comm. Joe Zompa, Comm. Theresa Hoff, Comm. Jim Grabowski, Comm. Cheryl Mantz, Trustee Craig Roberts and President Jeff Knutson. Comm. Ryan Lange was excused.
Also present: Village Planner Mary Censky, Village Attorney Matt Gralinski, Village Administrator Scott Gosse and Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Jackie Schuh.

2. Old Business

a. Possible action on the Conditional Use Grant request to develop an outdoor dining/seating area accessory to their existing restaurant use, The Chocolate Factory, using four of the public parking stalls situated in the W. Wisconsin Avenue right-of-way directly in front of the business located at 161 W. Wisconsin Avenue – Unit B. Applicant is Blommer, Inc., d/b/a The Chocolate Factory, in c/o Valera Smokvin. Building owner is Siepmann Development Company. Right-of-way is owned by the Village of Pewaukee. Property is Zoned B-2 Downtown Business District.
Planner Mary Censky addressed items brought up at the last meeting in regards to The Chocolate Factory street-dining request:
1. Parking stalls were recommended to be reduced to three from the requested four.
2. She verified that umbrellas were discussed for other street dining CUGs but that umbrellas were never expressly excluded in the language of the CUGs.
3. In-lieu-of, off-street parking was never made as part of the approval as Duncan was not willing to give up the private parking for public use.
4. A letter from Elaine at Positively Pewaukee was submitted stating that they are looking forward to working collaboratively with The Chocolate Factory in the future for events and that the request for The Chocolate Factory to remove all street dining items during those times is recanted.
Per Censky, all other details remain the same as that presented at the May 13, 2021 Plan Commission meeting. Comm. Grabowski, backed by Comm. Zompa, stated that umbrellas were discussed and disallowed when prior discussions on street-dining took place. Grabowski requested that all collaboration between parties involved be in writing so as to circumvent any problems that may arise. President Knutson read an email he received from Kiwanis Pat Gallagher in support of the street dining and working collaboratively with the businesses for future events; Trustee Roberts inquired as to whether property owner John Siepmann would be open to granting an equal number of parking stalls in their private lot in-lieu-of the spots being granted for street dining to which Mr. Siepmann responded that he is not in favor of doing that as there is available parking in the Koepp Park parking lot and a walkway over the river to get to downtown and the beach. Comm. Zompa relayed that some in the community are not happy that the public spots are being given away with nothing to gain for the Village. Comm. Mantz still has safety concerns and observed that there are no signs directing the public to the back of the Siepmann building for ‘free’ parking in back. Administrator Gosse stated that the parking on W. Wisconsin Ave. downtown is 1-hour parking. Comm. Hoff suggested that the Commission re-group before giving out any more parking spaces. Comm. Zompa, Hoff and Mantz would like a traffic study/downtown design plan to be done so all of these uses fit into a scheme. Trustee Roberts stated he is inclined to say yes based on the fact that the Commission has already granted the street dining to three other businesses. If the Commission is going to deny this request unless compensatory parking is provided then Trustee Roberts feels that the Commission should reevaluate all the CUGs given out for street dining. He feels that street dining is either something the Commission would like to have or it is not. He does not feel that the Commission can pick and choose who gets the privilege and who does not. Comm. Grabowski feels strongly that there must be in-lieu-of parking provided off-street. Mr. Siepmann would like the Village to erect signs directing downtown visitors to existing public parking lots.
Comm. Mantz motioned, seconded by Comm. Hoff to deny the Conditional Use Grant request to develop an outdoor dining/seating area accessory to their existing restaurant use, The Chocolate Factory based on public safety concern, resident concerns and the need for a traffic study.
Motion failed 3-3 with Comm. Grabowski, Trustee Roberts and President Knutson voting nay.

Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve the Conditional Use Grant request to develop an outdoor dining/seating area accessory to their existing restaurant use, The Chocolate Factory, using four of the public parking stalls situated in the W. Wisconsin Avenue right-of-way directly in front of the business located at 161 W. Wisconsin Avenue – Unit B with the recommendations of the Village Planner and Village Engineer and also an amended fencing requirement, the disallowing of umbrellas, amending to 3 parking stalls from four for the parklet, and 3 parking stalls behind the Siepmann building that shall be marked for 1-hour parking for the public.
Motion failed 3-3 with Comm. Mantz, Comm. Hoff and Comm. Zompa voting nay.

3. Adjournment

Comm. Zompa motioned, followed by Comm. Mantz to adjourn the May 20, 2021, Special Plan Commission meeting at approximately 7:08 p.m.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5-1 with President Knutson voting nay.

Respectfully submitted,



Jackie Schuh
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Pewaukee

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