June 11, 2021

6/14/2021 Special Plan Commission Meeting

CUGs for 719 Glacier Rd., 1151 Hickory St., 403 Park Ave. and 104/120 W. Wisconsin Ave.

June 14, 2021 – 6:30pm

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

President Knutson called the Zoom meeting to order at approximately 6:31 p.m.
Plan Commission members present: Comm. Jim Grabowski, Comm. Ryan Lange, Comm. Cheryl Mantz, Comm. Brian Belt, Trustee Craig Roberts and President Jeff Knutson. Comm. Theresa Hoff was excused.

2. Old Business

a. Possible Action on the Conditional Use Grant Amendment request to conduct the seasonal, temporary use outdoor seating, dining and alcohol consumption and including an onsite food truck once weekly in the parking lot at Kranky’s, 719 Glacier Rd. The property owner and applicant is Kranky’s Investment Corporation in c/o Tony Dicks. Property is zoned B-1 Community Business.
Planner Censky reviewed her recommendations. Discussion followed regarding the length of the CUG, past events held at this location and whether the applicant must submit every year for the event.
Comm. Mantz motioned, seconded by Comm. Grabowski to approve the Conditional Use Grant Amendment request to conduct the seasonal, temporary use outdoor seating, dining and alcohol consumption and including an onsite food truck once weekly in the parking lot at Kranky’s, 719 Glacier Rd., with the following recommendations:

1. Hours of operation for the use ‘Bike Night’ including outdoor seating and consumption including 1 food truck shall be limited to 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. on Thursday nights from April through October, 2021;
2. Bike parking and outdoor dining/consumption shall be limited expressly to the areas shown on Exhibit “A” which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
3. All tables, chairs, tents,… and other related appurtenances placed outdoors for this event must be sufficiently stable and secure as not to present a public safety hazard in the event of bad weather;
4. Before midnight on each Bike Night, all litter/debris shall cleaned-up at this site and the immediately surrounding area and any portable materials, equipment and supplies stowed indoors or off-premises. The food truck must also be gone from the site before midnight on each ‘Bike Night’;
5. Recording of the Conditional Use Grant before holding the first Bike Night event;
6. Food truck operator must possess all required permits and licensure as may apply to that service/business.
7. The food truck shall close its operations at 9 p.m.;
h. Outdoor music shall stop at 9 p.m. and all patrons must either leave the premises or move indoors at that same time;
8. The cordoned off outdoor area shall be supervised by easily identifiable bar staff at all times to ensure that IDs are being checked before entry and that no alcohol is being taken to areas outside of the safety-taped boundary;
9. The outdoor area shall have just one small entry/exit point that can be properly observed and managed by the event staff as to id’s, carry-in/carry-out,…
10. Electronic audio system sound level shall not create a nuisance upon surrounding properties
l1. The outdoor seating area and/or food truck shall not conflict in any way with the required ADA parking requirements and/or handicapped accessibility to this building and any state or federal level requirements to provide/maintain handicapped accessibility to the temporary outdoor seating area shall also be fully complied with;
12. Applicant shall secure the necessary licensure for alcohol consumption in this limited outdoor area of the premises prior to start of the event and shall operate in full compliance at all times with the more restrictive of that licensure and/or any applicable State/Federal laws.
13. The applicant must secure any required extension of premises license before holding the first Bike Night event;
14. Out of concern for potential nuisance impacts of this use upon the immediately surrounding residential neighbors, and in order to develop a “track record” of operations, this approval shall be for the year 2021 only. After 2021, and provided there haven’t been any problems or complaints registered about the use, continuation of the Conditional Use Grant may be approved at staff level.
15. Any substantiated material adverse impacts upon surrounding properties or the Village generally resulting from this temporary use (including, though not necessarily limited, to litter, loitering, public safety, illegal activity,…) shall be the responsibility of the owner/applicant to correct timely upon notice being sent or personally delivered by the Village and failure to do so may result in immediate shut down of all or portions of this Bike Night use.

Motion carried by roll call vote 6-0.

b. Possible Action on the Conditional Use Grant request to modify the existing configuration of the site and building(s) at 1151 Hickory Street to accommodate the home terminal and office use for a commercial/industrial services contractor Great Lakes Power Vac LLC. The applicant and property owner is Capital Acquisitions LLC in c/o Matthew Quest. Property is zoned B-5 Light Industrial District.
Planner Censky reviewed the site plan including a substantial increase in greenspace from 18% to approximately 30%, although code states 35%, or 30% provided 150% of the required tree/shrub plantings are included on the landscape plan. Per Censky the existing structure will be retained and reskinned with tuckpointing, repainting and replacement of steel overhead doors to glass. Discussion followed regarding the landscaping plans, having the easement documented on the CSM and landscaping in lieu of fencing.
Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to approve the Conditional Use Grant request to modify the existing configuration of the site and building(s) at 1151 Hickory Street to accommodate the home terminal and office use for a commercial/industrial services contractor Great Lakes Power Vac LLC with the following recommendations:

1. The following items shall return for final review and approval by the Village Staff:

a. Final principal building materials samples/colors;
b. Final landscaping plan including the specific tree species, planting heights/sizes,… ;
c. Exterior lighting plan;
d. Dumpster location/screening plan;
f. Final location and screening plans for HVAC and utility installations at the site and/or on the building;
g. Final design, location, materials, height, color,plans for any proposed fencing;
h. Placement of the access easement benefitting the lot to the north being placed onto the site plan and the easement document itself being reviewed, approved and recorded;

2. Staff approval of the screening plan for the yard storage area(s) wherever visible to the surrounding public view;
3. Village Engineer review and approval of the final grading, drainage, stormwater management, erosion control, utilities and similar infrastructure plans in support of the proposed project.
4. Any substantiated, material, adverse impacts arising with respect to such things as, (but not necessarily limited to) noise, odor, smoke, light, vibration, litter, loitering, glare, traffic, parking, health, public safety, and similar… arising as result of this use/operation shall be the responsibility of the property owner to correct timely upon notice from the Village and failure to correct any such problem in a timely manner may result in action toward modification or revocation of this conditional use grant;
5. Recording of the conditional use grant prior to start of construction of any sort in support of this project;
6. Issuance of all required building, electrical, plumbing and similar permits as may be required prior to start of construction of any sort in support of this project;
7. All existing signs shall be brought into full conformance with the Village Sign Code and any proposed new signs shall be subject to review, approval and permit issuance under the Village’s Sign Code prior to their placement at the site.

Motion carried by roll call vote 6-0.

c. Possible Action on the Conditional Use Grant request to modify/enlarge the existing boathouse at 403 Park Avenue. The applicants and property owners are Timothy and Mary Pulte. Property is zoned R-5(LO) Single-Family Residential with Lakefront Overlay District.
Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to approve the Conditional Use Grant request to modify/enlarge the existing boathouse at 403 Park Avenue with the following recommendations:

1. The erosion/stormwater management plans be in place before a CUG is issued
2. Recording of the Conditional Use Grant prior to issuance of a building permit for boathouse reconstruction;
3. Issuance of all necessary building and/or electrical permits prior to start of construction on this boathouse project.

Motion carried by roll call vote 6-0.

d. Possible Action on the Conditional Use Grant request of applicant and property owner North Shore Bank FSB/North Shore Savings Bank to allocate the existing paved, striped parking stalls on their adjoining properties located at 104 and 120 W. Wisconsin Ave. to public parking use. Property is zoned B-2 Downtown Business District.
Planner Mary Censky briefly reviewed items discussed at the June 10, 2021 meeting regarding this application. Discussion followed regarding signage, the need to have signage comparable to other historic downtown buildings and signage, and whether the Commission can require any signs to be brought back for approval. Both Planner Censky and Attorney Gralinski advised that signs that meet the requirements of Chapter 70 of the Village code and the Downtown Design Guidelines are not brought before the Commission. Censky relayed that she has had conversations with the applicant regarding Downtown Design Guidelines and Chapter 70. She confirmed that should anything be questionable as it relates to full compliance of the signage that it would be brought back before the Commission.
Comm. Lange motioned, seconded by Comm. Mantz to approve the Conditional Use Grant request of applicant and property owner North Shore Bank FSB/North Shore Savings Bank to allocate the existing paved, striped parking stalls on their adjoining properties located at 104 and 120 W. Wisconsin Ave. to public parking use with the following recommendations:

1. Any signs proposed in support of this use shall be subject to review, approval and permit issuance prior to placement at the site;
2. Approval and recording of a certified survey map combining this lot with the vacant corner lot that several of the stalls are located on – prior to issuance of the Conditional Use Grant for signatures and recording;
3. Recording of the Conditional Use Grant prior to the start of paid parking operations at the site;
4. No overnight parking shall be permitted.

Motion carried by roll call vote 6-0.

3. Adjournment

Trustee Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to adjourn the June 14, 2021 Special Plan Commission meeting at approximately 6:49 p.m.
Motion carried by roll call vote 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Jackie Schuh
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Pewaukee


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