Chapter 8 & 9 Comprehensive Plan; Comprehensive Plan; Consult 235 Capitol Dr. Bell Tower Memorial;
September 9, 2021 – 7:00 pm
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Village Clerk Smith called the meeting to order at approximately 7:03 p.m.
Smith asked for nominations for an acting chairperson for the September 9, 2021 meeting in President Knutson's absence.
Comm. Mantz motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to appoint Trustee Roberts as acting chairperson for the September 9, 2021, Regular Plan Commission Meeting. No other nominations were voiced and Trustee Roberts accepted the nomination.
Motion carried 5-0.
Plan Commission members present: Comm. Theresa Hoff, Comm. Cheryl Mantz, Comm. Ryan Lange, Comm. Brian Belt, Trustee Craig Roberts. President Jeff Knutson was excused and Comm. Jim Grabowski was absent.
Also in attendance: Village Planner Mary Censky, Village Attorney Matt Gralinski, Village Clerk, Cassie Smith.
2. Public Hearings – None.
3. Citizen Comments - None.
4. Approval of the Minutes:
a. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – August 12, 2021
Comm. Lange motioned, seconded by Comm. Belt to approve the minutes of the August 12, 2021, Regular Plan Commission meeting as presented.
Motion carried 5-0.
The Plan Commission unanimously decided to review item 6a before 5a.
5. Old Business
a. Review and discussion regarding portions of the Village of Pewaukee Comprehensive Plan update in progress (i.e. Chapter 8 - Transportation and Facilities Element and Chapter 9 – Implementation and Intergovernmental Cooperation). There may also be discussion regarding its relationship(s)/connectivity to the recently completed Village of Pewaukee Strategic Plan Update.
Planner Censky reviewed the proposed changes to Chapters 8 and 9 of the Comprehensive Plan update. Trustee Roberts questioned if the safe crosswalks leading to the quiet zone and/or the Transportation Utility Fund should be included in Chapter 9 of the update. Planner Censky stated that the first time (10 years ago) the County was our partner in gathering the data and because the County is waiting for the census to be updated before the next Countywide Comprehensive Plan update some data may not be up to date but as soon as the County updates their document we will shadow their work and possibly incorporate some of the changes. Censky stated that at the next meeting a complete draft will be given to the members for review and when complete it will be recommended to the Village Board for review and for public hearing/input.
b. Review and possible recommendation to Village Board regarding Village of Pewaukee Comprehensive Plan updates.
No recommendation was made.
6. New Business
a. Review, discussion and consultative feedback on a conceptual plan submitted by applicant Bell Tower Memorial, in c/o Cheri Enters, to develop a passive use veterans memorial tower with related walking paths, seating/reflection area, lighting and landscaping, in the southeast quadrant of Kiwanis Village Park located at 235 Capitol Drive. The property is zoned P-1 Park & Recreation District. The property owner is the Village of Pewaukee.
Planner Censky stated that the Bell Tower Memorial group would like feedback on the possibility of utilizing the southeast section of Kiwanis Village Park to install a veteran memorial tower and walking path. The area will be illuminated and landscaped. Cheri Enters, representative of the Bell Tower Memorial group explained that the proposed bell tower as originally designed was too expensive so they are looking at a more scaled-down approach. She stated that the Park and Recreation Board seemed favorable of the idea when discussed at a recent meeting. She indicated that the area would have electricity to serve a possible microphone to be used during special events and that they are interested in placing a pavilion-type structure. Censky responded to Roberts, the area proposed is not a high moving floodwaters type of flood risk, more of a flood storage zone but, if this item proceeds it would need the Village Engineers review. Comm. Mantz suggested that a separate area on the left side of the parking lot be used so the memorial would be more visible. The discussion was favorable on the conception of the project as presented.
7. Citizen Comments - None.
8. Adjournment
Comm. Mantz motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to adjourn the September 9, 2021, Regular Plan Commission Meeting at approximately 7:56 p.m.
Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Casandra Smith
Village Clerk