Public Hearings regarding 510 Park Ave and 1466 Capitol Drive, Review of the Comprehensive Plan Update, Sign Plan Waiver for 135 Dynex Drive, Garage Construction at 510 Park Ave, Restaurant Use at 1466 Capitol Drive, Wellspring Mini Storage, and Veterans Memorial at Kiwanis Village Park
October 14, 2021 – 7:00 pm
Village Hall
235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Public Hearings
a. To construct a garage addition to the existing residence at 510 Park Avenue that will be offset 6.3 feet from the east/northeast lot line where 10 feet is ordinarily required by Code. The property owner/applicant is Amanda Donath. The property is zoned R-5 Single-Family Residential District
b. To locate a dine-in, sit down type restaurant use (i.e. First Watch-The Daytime Cafe) including both indoor and outdoor seating space, in the north tenant space of the proposed new multi-tenant Building #4 on Lot #3 of the Shops at Meadow Ridge Planned Unit Development (PUD). The property address is 1466 Capitol Drive. The property owner/applicant is Meadow Ridge Shops LLC in c/o John Thompson. The property is Zoned B-1 Community Business District with PUD Overlay.
3. Citizen Comments – This is an opportunity for citizens to share their opinions with Board Members on any topic they choose. However, due to Wisconsin Open Meeting laws, the Board is not able to answer questions or respond to your comments. All comments should be directed to the Board. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Speakers are asked to use the podium and state their name and address.
4. Approval of the Minutes:
a. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – September 9, 2021
5. Old Business
a. Review, discussion, and possible action/recommendation to the Village Board regarding the Village of Pewaukee Comprehensive Plan update in progress. There may also be discussion regarding its relationship(s)/connectivity to the recently completed Village of Pewaukee Strategic Plan Update.
6. New Business
a. Review, discussion and possible approval of a Sign Code waiver request to place a freestanding sign at zero feet setback from the front lot line at 135 Dynex Drive. The applicant is Lisa Wenger d/b/a Healing Haven. The property owner is Terra Engineering & Construction Corporation. This site is zoned B-2 Downtown Business District.
b. To construct a garage addition to the existing residence at 510 Park Avenue that will be offset 6.3 feet from the east/northeast lot line where 10 feet is ordinarily required by Code. The property owner/applicant is Amanda Donath. The property is zoned R-5 Single-Family Residential District.
c. To locate a dine-in, sit down type restaurant use (i.e. First Watch-The Daytime Cafe) including both indoor and outdoor seating space, in the north tenant space of the proposed new multi-tenant Building #4 on Lot #3 of the Shops at Meadow Ridge Planned Unit Development (PUD). The property address is 1466 Capitol Drive. The property owner/applicant is Meadow Ridge Shops LLC in c/o John Thompson. The property is Zoned B-1 Community Business District with PUD Overlay.
d. Review, discussion and consultative feedback to the applicant, Wellspring Construction Group LLC (in/c/o Tim Knepprath), to add the use “mini-warehousing” to the list of conditional uses that can be considered for approval in the B-5 Zoning District in order to make that use available to themselves for possible development on the lands located just north of and adjacent to the existing uses/building located at 227 Sussex Street. The property is Zoned B-5 Light Industrial.
e. Review, discussion and possible approval of the building, site and operating plans for the proposed accessory use “veterans memorial tower with related walking paths, seating/reflection area, lighting, landscaping, and shelter” to be located in the southeast quadrant of Kiwanis Village Park located at 325 Capitol Drive. The property is zoned P-1 Park & Recreation District. The property owner is the Village of Pewaukee.
7. Citizen Comments – This is an opportunity for citizens to share their opinions with Board Members on any topic they choose. However, due to Wisconsin Open Meeting laws, the Board is not able to answer questions or respond to your comments. All comments should be directed to the Board. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Speakers are asked to use the podium and state their name and address.
8. Adjournment
Note: It is possible that members and/or possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above-stated meeting to gather information; action will not be taken by any governmental body at the above-stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in the notice. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services. To request such assistance, contact the Village Clerk at 262-691-5660.
Dated: October 8, 2021