February 11, 2022

2/17/2022 Plan Commission Meeting

Comprehensive Plan, Rezoning of 227 Sussex Street, Sign Code Waiver at 1466 Capitol Drive, Discussion Regarding Parking Requirements for All Zoning Districts

February 17, 2022 – 7:00 pm

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m.

Plan Commission members present: Comm. Theresa Hoff, Comm. Ryan Lange, Comm. Jim Grabowski, Comm. Brian Belt, Trustee Craig Roberts and President Jeff Knutson. Comm. Cheryl Mantz was excused.

Also present: Village Planner, Mary Censky; Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; and Village Clerk, Casandra Smith.

2. Public Hearings – None

3. Citizen Comments - None

4. Approval of the Minutes:

a. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – January 13, 2022
Comm. Hoff motioned, seconded by Comm. Grabowski to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2022, Regular Plan Commission meeting as presented.
Motion carried 4-0-2, Comm. Belt and President Knutson abstained.

5. Old Business

a. Review and possible recommendation to Village Board on updates to the Village of Pewaukee Comprehensive Plan – 2035.
This item was deferred to a future meeting.

b. Review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Village Board for Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay District rezoning (including the underlying building architecture/materials/colors, site layout, exterior lighting, landscaping, fencing, and similar related plans) for a proposed 330 +/- unit personal storage development (i.e. Sussex Street Self Storage) in eight buildings proposed to be located immediately north and west of (and adjacent to) 227 Sussex Street. The applicant is Wellspring Construction Group LLC in c/o Tim Knepprath. The property owner is 230 Sussex Street LLC. The 15.8209-acre property is zoned B-5 Light Industrial District and Floodplain Conservancy.
Planner Censky explained that this item was presented at the last Plan Commission meeting and is now back with minor changes.  The layout is consistent with a few units deleted due to compliance standards to satisfy the right-of-way standards according to Engineer Barbeau's request and Fire Department turning radius requirements internally on the site.  The building setback along Maiden Lane is planned to be at 48.6' and the code requires 50'.  The offset distance from the fence to the interior lot lines has a 3' separation and the plans identify that the fencing will be installed between phases one and two.  The landscaping plan has been updated from pine trees to some arborvitae and shrub-type trees.  The PUD speaks to all parts of the project details and the included development agreement will dedicate the public improvements.  Planner Censky responded to Trustee Roberts, the offset is short by 1.5' along Maiden Lane and due to the Fire Department needs.  The Discussion continued regarding the new landscaping screening and the new plan was generally favored vs. the original plan.          
Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to Recommend to the Village Board the Proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay District rezoning to include the underlying building architecture/materials/colors, site layout, exterior lighting, landscaping, fencing, and similar related plans for 227 Sussex Street as Presented with the Following Conditions:
1) Applicant to enter into a Development Agreement with the Village as to any public improvements required to be installed by the Developer in support of this project.

2) Village Engineer review and final approval of all grading, drainage, stormwater management, utility, and infrastructure plans, including applicant resolution of all technical items identified in a letter from the Village Engineer dated 2-2-22, prior to the start of any land-disturbing activity at this site.
Motion carried 6-0.

a. Review, discussion and possible recommendation to the Village Board of the Development Agreement as required in support of the Sussex Street Self Storage Planned Unit Development proposed to be located immediately north and west of (and adjacent to) 227 Sussex Street. The applicant is Wellspring Construction Group LLC in c/o Tim Knepprath. The property owner is 230 Sussex Street LLC. The 15.8209-acre property is zoned B-5 Light Industrial District and Floodplain Conservancy.
Planner Censky stated that this developer agreement is to obligate the public improvements in phase 2 of the project.  The document will be updated with the items in 6a as exhibits, in the actual agreement.  
Comm. Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Grabowski to Approve the Recommendation to the Village Board Regarding the Draft Regarding the Development Agreement for the Sussex Street Self Storage Planned Unit Development at 227 Sussex Street Subject to the Satisfaction of Exhibits B-E with Staff Review as Presented.
Motion carried 6-0.

b. Review, discussion, and possible approval of a Sign Code waiver to allow for an oversized street-facing wall sign and an oversized secondary entrance wall sign in support of the First Watch restaurant use located at 1466 Capitol Drive. The property is zoned B-1 with Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay. Lora Martinson of Springfield Sign as sign contractor with consent of underlying property owner Meadow Ridge Shops, LLC.
Planner Censky stated that the Shops at Meadow Ridge's new building will be up and running soon.  The code allows for one 40 sq.ft. in area maximum per street frontage and there is a provision that allows for an additional sign up to 20 sq.ft. in area for businesses with a second entrance.  The applicant proposes a 59.75 sq.ft. wall sign on the north side of the building and a 33.6 sq.ft. wall sign on the west side of the building.  This building is about 135' back from the south edge of the pavement along Capitol Drive.
Due to the excessive building setback from Capitol Drive and in the interest of handling signs within this development area consistently, Comm. Hoff motioned, seconded by Comm. Belt to approve the Sign Code Waiver to Allow for an Oversized Street Facing Wall Sign and an Oversized Secondary Entrance Wall Sign (maximum sign sizes as described above and subject to Planners condition) and Subject to Planner Recommendations for First Watch Restaurant Located at 1466 Capitol Drive as Requested.
1) Applicant to secure all necessary sign, building and/or electrical permits prior to the start of sign(s) construction or installation
Motion carried 6-0.

c. Review and general discussion regarding the Village’s parking requirements for all business zoning districts as it relates to the apparent decline in brick-and-mortar retail shopping and the continued practice of working remotely-away from brick-and-mortar office environments. Of particular interest is the potential for excessive parking allocations displacing otherwise useable/developable space in the Village's business areas. This item is Village initiated.
Discussion followed regarding the current parking requirements and how to start the review.  The consensus was to start with zoning districts B-1 and B-3 and to look at each of the parking ratios.

7. Citizen Comments - None

8. Adjournment

Trustee Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Hoff to adjourn the February 17, 2022, Regular Plan Commission meeting at approximately 7:55 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Casandra Smith
Village Clerk


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