March 4, 2022

3/10/2022 Plan Commission Meeting

Public Hearing for TID #4 Village of Pewaukee & 675 Sussex St.; Village Comprehensive Plan; Village Code regarding off-street parking requirements; Resolution regarding Village of Pewaukee TID #4; CUG 675 Sussex St.; Consultation regarding proposed housing for the elderly at the intersection of Swan Rd. & STH 164;

March 10, 2022 – 7:00 pm
Village Hall
235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m.

Plan Commission members present: Comm. Jim Grabowski, Comm. Cheryl Mantz, Trustee Craig Roberts, and President Jeff Knutson. Excused: Comm. Theresa Hoff, Comm. Ryan Lange, and Comm. Brian Belt were

Also present: Village Planner, Mary Censky; Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, Jackie Schuh.

2. Public Hearings

a. Project Plan & District Boundary, Tax Increment District No. 4, in the Village of Pewaukee
No comments.

b. Conditional Use Grant request to construct a detached garage building greater than 900 square feet in area (i.e. proposed 1,728 sq. ft.) on the 5-acre property located at 675 Sussex Street. The property is zoned R-2 Single-Family Residential. The applicant/property owner is Edward Brandt.
Edward Brandt at 675 Sussex St. - Mr. Brandt is the owner of the property being discussed tonight and stated the previous structure was blown down in a snowstorm and that the new structure is needed for equipment storage. 

3. Citizen Comments – None.

4. Approval of the Minutes:

a. Regular Plan Commission Meeting Amendment – January 13, 2022
Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Trustee Roberts to amend the minutes of the January 13, 2022, Regular Plan Commission meeting with the following:

The motion of Item 6a should read:  "Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Lange to approve the Conditional Use Grant request to locate/operate an automobile service facility..."
Motion carried 3-1-0; Comm. Mantz abstained.

b. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – February 17, 2022
Trustee Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Grabowski to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2022, Regular Plan Commission meeting as presented.
Motion carried 3-1-0; Comm. Mantz abstained.

5. Old Business

a. Review and possible recommendation to Village Board on updates to the Village of Pewaukee Comprehensive Plan – 2035.
Trustee Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Grabowski to defer Item 5a. to the April, 2022 meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.

b. Review and discussion regarding possible updates to the Village’s ‘Off-Street Parking Requirements’ as set forth in Chapter 40, Article VII, Division 2. of the Village Code.
Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Mantz to defer Item 5b. to the April, 2022 meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.

6. New Business

a. Possible Action on Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-1, Resolution Formally Adopting Proposed Project Plan and Boundaries for Tax Incremental District No. 4, Recommended Adoption of the Project Plan and Boundaries for Tax Incremental District No. 4 Village of Pewaukee, Wisconsin.
Administrator Gosse stated the purpose of the TID being created is for a blight elimination district of three parcels under one tax key.  The parcels are divided by Riverside Drive and the property was once the location of a nursing home that closed in 2016.  It has remained empty since.  The property was rezoned to single-family with an infill redevelopment overlay district added which will allow the development of housing with reduced lot sizes and setbacks.  Gosse noted that this is a 13-acre site with a proposed 36-lot subdivision.  The request for public assistance is for the demolition of the existing building, including asbestos mitigation, and to prepare the entire site for the developer to proceed with the build-out, which includes bringing in fill to elevate the entire site to alleviate the problems of the high water table.  The Village Board had asked the developer to provide multiple bids for the project, and the lowest came in at $1,942,950.00.  Discussion followed regarding the amount of fill needed to make it buildable, details of the funding, and tax rates.  Gosse stated that a development agreement will stipulate developer guarantees to cover debt service expenses in the case of lean years. 
Trustee Craig Roberts motioned, seconded by Comm. Grabowski to forward to the Village Board through the adoption of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-1, Resolution Formally Adopting Proposed Project Plan and Boundaries for Tax Incremental District No. 4, recommending adoption of the Project Plan and Boundaries for Tax Incremental District No. 4, Village of Pewaukee, Wisconsin.
Motion carried unanimously.

b. Review, discussion and possible Conditional Use Grant approval to allow construction of a detached garage building greater than 900 square feet in area (i.e. proposed 1,728 sq. ft.) on the 5-acre property located at 675 Sussex Street. The property is zoned R-2 Single-Family Residential. The applicant/property owner is Edward Brandt.
Per Planner Mary Censky, Section 40.173(1)a. of the Code provides that R-2 Zoned “Properties with a lot area greater than 2.5 acres, may be permitted a detached garage or an accessory storage structure greater than 900 square feet/192 square feet in area respectively if first granted an approval by the Planning Commission as a conditional use.” It goes on to say that “Effective screening plans may be required as a condition of CUG to mitigate the impacts of a larger structure.” With the addition of the proposed structure, this site would still be in compliance with the minimum required open space (30%) and the maximum first-floor building coverage ratio (20%). The proposed building is 22.25 feet in height at the peak where 15 feet is the R-2 Zoning District standard for accessory buildings.  However, under Supplemental Regulations, Section 40.421(d), the Code allows for one (1) additional foot in building height for each one (1) additional foot the building is setback/offset from the lot lines.  In this case, the applicant's minimum required setbacks/offsets (i.e. 50 ft. front, 25 ft. rear, 10 ft. sides) are exceeded by well more than 10 feet in each direction so the maximum permitted height for this specific building, as placed based upon the site survey provided by the applicant, is increased to 25 feet.  The applicant represents that this structure may be used not only for the parking of motor vehicles but also for the storage of materials, equipment, and supplies.  It is intended to sit at the edge of the existing gravel drive on site.  No paving is proposed as would ordinarily be required for a detached garage structure [ref Section 40.173(1)]. Section 40.436(c)(3)c.1. of the Code provides that residential “Accessory structures must conform to the requirements for new construction” (i.e. Non-glass exterior surfaces shall not be made of shiny metal and shall, in general, not exceed a matte or semi-gloss appearance) “and shall match the materials and colors of the primary residence. The primary residence on this site has light gray exterior siding and white trim.  The roofing is asphalt shingle in gray/charcoal tone. Discussion followed regarding neighbor support of the project, lighting requirements, and if notices were mailed.
Comm. Mantz motioned, seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve the Conditional Use Grant to allow construction of a detached garage building greater than 900 square feet in area (i.e. proposed 1,728 sq. ft.) on the 5-acre property located at 675 Sussex Street with the following recommendations:
1) The barn and shed depicted on the site plan submitted by the applicant are both fallen down/gone except for the old barn foundation. These should be removed from or labeled accordingly on the site plan. Neither of these structures may be replaced or reconstructed in the future except upon review and confirmation by Village Staff that the building(s) will not result in any Code violation as regards quantity, size or location of accessory buildings in the R-2 Zoning District;
2) Applicant to provide, for Village Staff review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit, the detailed exterior building materials and color detail as to confirm matte vs shiny finish for the proposed storage structure;
3) Applicant acknowledges that no business use may be conducted in this detached accessory building. A provision shall be noted in the CUG that no business use of this building shall be allowed in excess of that permitted by Section 40.173(2) of the Code as to home occupations in the R-2 District;
4) Applicant to secure all required permits, such as but not necessarily limited to, building, electrical,…, prior to the start of any construction in support of this project.
Motion carried unanimously.

c. Review, discussion and consultative feedback to applicant Aaron Matter (d/b/a Matter X LLC) regarding a proposed housing for the elderly project to be developed on the north side of the intersection of Swan Road and STH 164. The 4.6-acre property, owned by BV-Pewaukee Ltd Partnership, is zoned B-3 Office and Service Business District with Housing for the Elderly Overlay.
Planner Censky reviewed details and indicated that the current proposal of the development is compliant as to the number of total units, maximum building floor area ratio, minimum building setback from street right-of-way property lines and side lot lines, minimum open space ratio, and minimum parking lot and drives setback from street right-of-way and side and rear lot lines.  Per Censky, the current plan is not compliant as to the maximum permitted number of independent living units and she noted that the proposal does not indicate the building height.  She cautioned that the Department of Transportation may have its own requirements as far as any setbacks, too.  Contract Engineer Barbeau stated that although current sanitary sewer and water capacity for the development, private laterals may be possible if the DPW and Village Engineer agree.  Staff will need to consider the need for turn lanes/by-pass lanes and/or whether a traffic study is necessary.  The applicant then made a presentation for the proposed development.  Discussion followed regarding floor ratios, height restrictions, the need for a public hearing, the need for a traffic study, delivery traffic, trees and shrubs, and aesthetics of the buildings.  The Commission was generally supportive of this type of development for this parcel.

7. Citizen Comments – None.

8. Adjournment

Comm. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Comm. Mantz to adjourn the March 10, 2022, Regular Plan Commission meeting at approximately 8:40 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,



Jackie Schuh
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

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