May 6, 2022

5/12/2022 Plan Commission Meeting

Off-Street Parking, Multi-family Building at 203 E Wisconsin Ave, Elderly Housing on Corner of Hwy 164 and Swan Road, Rear Yard Set-Back-Cornerstone Development, Sign Code Waiver for 690 Westfield Way


May 12, 2022 – 7:00 pm
Village Hall
235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Public Hearings

a. On a Conditional Use Grant request to construct a multi-family building/use (i.e. a duplex) at 203 E. Wisconsin Avenue. The property owners / applicants are Joanne Koehler and Dwight Zoellner. The property is zoned B-2 Downtown Business District.

b. On a Conditional Use grant request to construct a 141-Unit Housing for the Elderly project on 4.7 acres of vacant land located at the northwest corner of Swan Road and Hwy 164. The applicant is Aaron Matter d/b/a Matter X LLC. The property owner is BV-Pewaukee Ltd Partnership. The property is zoned B-3 Office and Service Business District with Housing for the Elderly Overlay.

3. Citizen Comments This is an opportunity for citizens to share their opinions with Commission Members on any topic they choose. However, due to Wisconsin Open Meeting laws, the Commission is not able to answer questions or respond to your comments. All comments should be directed to the Commission. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Speakers are asked to use the podium and state their name and address.

4. Approval of the Minutes:

a. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – April 14, 2022

5. Old Business

a. Review and discussion regarding possible updates to the Village’s ‘Off-Street Parking Requirements’ as setforth in Chapter 40, Article VII, Division 2. of the Village Code.

6. New Business

a. Review and Possible Action on a Conditional Use Grant request to construct a multi-family building/use (i.e. a duplex) at 203 E. Wisconsin Avenue. The property owners / applicants are Joanne Koehler and Dwight Zoellner. The property is zoned B-2 Downtown Business District.

b. Review and Possible Action on a Conditional Use grant request to construct a 141-Unit Housing for the Elderly project on 4.7 acres of vacant land located at the Northwest corner of Swan Road and Hwy 164. The applicant is Aaron Matter d/b/a Matter X LLC. The property owner is BV-Pewaukee Ltd Partnership. The property is zoned B-3 Office and Service Business District with Housing for the Elderly Overlay.

c. Review, discussion and consultative feedback to the applicant regarding possible modifications to the rear yard requirements as set forth in the Residential Infill-Redevelopment Overlay District pertaining to lots with rear yards that abut, entirely, the rear yard of other newly platted lots and/or outlots within the same development. The applicant is Cornerstone Development in c/o Joe Orendorf and John Wahlen, and Alan Peters of True Vine Development. This property is zoned Residential Infill-Redevelopment Overlay District.
d. Review, discussion, and possible approval of a Sign Code Waiver request for Dollar Tree, in c/o Bob Kraus of Bauer Sign, to place a 57.39 square foot tenant wall sign on the main entry/south facing façade of their tenant space in the building at 690 Westfield Way where 30 square feet maximum is set forth by Code. The property owner is 690 Westfield Way LLC. This property is zoned B-1 Community Business District.

7. Citizen Comments – This is an opportunity for citizens to share their opinions with Commission Members on any topic they choose. However, due to Wisconsin Open Meeting laws, the Commission is not able to answer questions or respond to your comments. All comments should be directed to the Commission. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Speakers are asked to use the podium and state their name and address.

8. Adjournment

Note: It is possible that members and/or possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above-stated meeting to gather information; action will not be taken by any governmental body at the above-stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in the notice. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services. To request such assistance, contact the Village Clerk at 262-691-5660.

Dated: May 6, 2022

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