September 8, 2023

9/14/2023 Plan Commission Meeting

Public Hearing on 145 W Wisconsin Ave, Conditional Use Grant on 145 W Wisconsin Ave, consultative feedback on 600 Hickory St., 1291 Hickory St., and 521 Oakton Ave.

Plan Commission Meeting
September 14, 2023 – 6:00 pm
Village Hall
235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072


1. Call to Order and Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, & Moment of Silence

President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m.
Plan Commission members present: Comm. Mark Grabowski, Comm. Theresa Hoff, Comm. Brian Belt, Trustee Craig Roberts and President Jeff Knutson. Comm. Mantz and Comm. Lange were excused.

Also present: Village Planner, Mary Censky; Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; and Village Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Jenna Peter.

2. Public Hearings –
a. On the Conditional Use Grant Request of Cansas Steidl, d/b/a Myxn Bar LLC, to include tavern use throughout her custom personal scent mixing, and specialty retail boutique use located at 145 W. Wisconsin Ave – Unit 3.  This property is zoned B-2 Downtown Business District.  The property owner is Joseph Grasch Development LLC. – No Comments.

3. Citizen Comments – No Comments.

4. Approval of the Minutes –
a. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – July 13, 2023.

Comm. Hoff motioned/seconded by Comm. Belt to approve the July 13, 2023 Regular Plan Commission minutes as presented.
Motion carried 5-0.

b. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – August 10, 2023.
Trustee Roberts motioned to approve the August 10, 2023 Regular Plan Commission Minutes with the correction of item four to reflect the July 13th minutes.
Discussion followed pertaining to an error on the August 10, 2023 Plan Commission meeting agenda. The June 8 minutes were listed incorrectly on that agenda instead of the correct July 13, 2023 minutes. The June 8 minutes were essentially approved twice (July 13 and August 10 meetings). The July 13, 2023 minutes were not approved at the August 10 meeting as a result.
Trustee Roberts corrected his motion to approve the August 10, 2023 Regular Plan Commission Minutes as presented. Seconded by Comm. Grabowski.
Motion carried 5-0.

5. Old Business – none.

6. New Business
a. On the Conditional Use Grant Request of Cansas Steidl, d/b/a Myxn Bar LLC, to include tavern use throughout her custom personal scent mixing, and specialty retail boutique use located at 145 W. Wisconsin Ave – Unit 3.  This property is zoned B-2 Downtown Business District.  The property owner is Joseph Grasch Development LLC.
Planner Censky explained the applicant has already opened her specialty retail boutique and custom scent mixing business use in this tenant space. She would now like to include tavern use within and concurrent with the boutique and scent mixing use of this business space. The proposed hours of operation are 10 a.m. to midnight daily. Parking to support this, and similar uses of the nonresidential spaces in this building, was preplanned into the original Beachscape project approval.
Village Planner Recommendations:
1) Full execution and recording of the Conditional Use Grant prior to the start of alcohol sales, service, or consumption in this space.
2) Prior to the start of alcohol sales, service, or consumption in this space, the applicant shall secure, and at all times going forward, maintain, the necessary liquor/alcohol licensure needed to operate this tavern use in this space.
3) Full compliance with the terms and conditions of the Conditional Use Grant.

The applicant stated they do have signs on the doors that no one under the age of 21 is allowed without their parents.
Comm. Hoff motioned/seconded by Comm. Belt to approve the Conditional Use Grant as presented with the Village Planner’s Recommendations.
Motion carried 5-0.

b. Review, discussion, and consultative feedback to applicant Matthew Backhaus, d/b/a StreetWorks Exotics, regarding plans to construct a 4,500 sq. ft. addition to their existing automobile service use building located at 600 Hickory Street.  This 1.88-acre, B-5 Light Industrial zoned property is owned by Road Runner Venture LLC.
Censky explained according to the applicant’s plans, they may not meet the following criteria in the B-5 District; maximum building size/floor area ratio, minimum building offset to the side lot line, and the minimum open space.  Censky went on to explain the extent to which there is some spatial and bulk standards flexibility for the Commission in review and approval projects that expand upon preexisting, nonconforming uses and buildings in the B-5 Light Industrial District.  As with any commercial or industrial use or building expansion/addition in the Village, a fully detailed set of architectural, site, landscaping and exterior lighting plans is required to be submitted along with the application, when/if this item comes back as an actionable request.

The Commission members did not express any specific issues with the applicant’s very preliminary conceptual inquiry. Censky suggested the applicant come back with detailed plans for a Conditional Use Grant application.

c. Review, discussion, and consultative feedback to applicant Richard Yezzi, d/b/a Alltrux Holdings, LLC, about adding a conditional use opportunity in the B-5 Light Industrial District for medium and heavy-duty trucks sales.  The applicants existing automotive service use/facility is located at 1291 Hickory Street. This 3.27-acre site is owned by Zimmermann & Schwartz Real Estate LLC.
Censky explained the Village Code does not list new or used vehicle/automobile sales as a use, either by right or through conditional use, in any of our zoning districts. The Planning commission did recently recommend an amendment to the Zoning Code that may allow for such use, through Conditional Use Grant, provided the sales/display use is only for regular automobiles, light trucks and motorcycles, and provided it is done only as a subordinate and accessory use conducted in support of an approved principal conditional use “Automobile service facility”. The proposed new language goes on to say that outside display shall only be permitted during regular business hours. This applicant’s business, however, is oriented toward servicing medium-duty to heavy-duty trucks. He indicates that his request would not necessarily include the need for any outdoor display spaces to be included in the Code as he “…does not plan on holding any inventory onsite within the Village of Pewaukee”.

Applicant – Richard Yezzi, stated he is hoping to be able to apply for his dealer’s license at the 1291 Hickory Street location because he works with different manufacturers so they need to have the license in a location that’s acceptable to their Peterbilt relationship as well.

Trustee Roberts stated the Commission will have to approach this in the same way as the autos, motorcycles, and light trucks ordinance, but the wording for medium and heavy trucks will need to be reflected as well as language limiting the display of such big trucks. President Knutson would like the ordinance to include language to at least allow for these trucks to be delivered to the business on Hickory Street, in case they need that option on a short-term basis before eventually transferring the truck out to the end purchaser.

d. Review, discussion, and consultative feedback to applicants/property owners, Jeff and Brenda Wistl, on their conceptual plans to remodel/refinish the exterior of an existing detached accessory building on their .2-acre, B-2 Downtown Business zoned property located at 521 Oakton Avenue.
The applicant – Jeff Wistl, stated the footprint of the building will stay the same but the roof overhang will be different. The building will not be torn down but resided and 5 posts added. The building itself will be an off-white color and the roof black. Trustee Roberts mentioned the Commission usually tries to encourage the accessory building to match the house as much as possible, but the proposed building is aesthetically appealing, and this is the start of what will probably be an eventual transition of the house to this design as well because the property is zoned B-2 Downtown Business District.  Wistl stated that eventually they are going to redo the house too.  Sensing general support from the Commission for his plans, Wistl said he will return to the October 12, 2023 Plan Commission meeting with detailed plans.

7. Citizen Comments – None.

8. Adjournment
Comm. Grabowski motioned/seconded by Comm. Belt to adjourn the September 14, 2023, Regular Plan Commission meeting at approximately 7:01 p.m.
Motion carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,


Jenna Peter
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer

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