Public Hearings and Conditional Use Grants on 112 Main Street, 423 Main Street, and 1350 Capitol Drive, possible action on Building, Site and Operating Plan approval on 700 Hickory Street.
Plan Commission Meeting
December 14, 2023 – 6:00 pm
Village Hall
235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072
1. Call to Order and Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, & Moment of Silence
President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m.
Plan Commission members present: Comm. Mark Grabowski; Comm. Theresa Hoff; Trustee Craig Roberts; and President Jeff Knutson.
Excused: Comm. Brian Belt and Comm. Ryan Lange.
Also present: Village Planner, Mary Censky; Village Engineer, Tim Barbeau; Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Scott Gosse, and Village Deputy Clerk, Jenna Peter.
2. Public Hearings –
a. Conditional Use Grant request of applicant Lueth Properties LLC in c/o Chris Lueth, to construct a 3-stall garage addition off the west end of the existing multi-tenant business building on this site at an offset to the lot line less than required by Code. This .16-acre property, located at 112 Main Street, is zoned B-2 Downtown Business District. – No Comments.
b. Conditional Use Grant request of property owner/applicant Michelle Rimer, in c/o contractor David Leef, to construct a new, detached garage on this .2-acre, R-5 Single-Family Residential zoned lot (i.e., 423 Main Street) at an offset and setback from the side and street/front lot lines less than required by Code.
Contractor, David Leef wanted to make sure a certain page was included in the packet the Commission received.
c. Conditional Use Grant request of applicant Logic Design & Architecture, Inc. in c/o Adam Stein, to add a food pick-up window on the east building elevation, add an outdoor seating/dining area, and make related site plan amendments in support of the restaurant use in the east most tenant space of this multi-tenant business building/site located at 1350 Capitol Drive. This 2.63-acre, B-1 Community Business zoned property is owned by Sheveland Properties III LLC in c/o Larry Sheveland.
Adam Stein introduced himself and said he was available if the Commission had any questions.
3. Citizen comments – None.
4. Approval of the Minutes –
a. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – November 9, 2023.
Comm. Grabowski motioned/seconded by Comm. Hoff to approve the November 9, 2023, Regular Plan Commission Meeting.
Motion carried 4-0.
5. Old Business – None.
6. New Business
a. Conditional Use Grant request of applicant Lueth Properties LLC in c/o Chris Lueth, to construct a 3-stall garage addition off the west end of the existing multi-tenant business building on this site at an offset to the lot line less than required by Code. This .16-acre property, located at 112 Main Street, is zoned B-2 Downtown Business District.
Roberts inquired if adding the garage will affect the number of parking spaces. Censky stated the quantity of parking spaces isn’t changing; the stalls are just being enclosed. Roberts also inquired if the gutters and downspouts recommended in the Engineer’s report had been addressed. The applicant stated that the downspouts have been addressed in the updated plans. The water will flow away from the neighboring property and the building itself has been moved back 2 feet from the south lot line vs the original plan submittal.
Village Planner Recommendations:
1. Full execution and recording of the Conditional Use Grant document prior to issuance of any building permits in support of this project.
2. Village Engineer review and approval of all necessary grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility plans prior to issuance of a building permit in support of this project.
3. New building materials and colors shall match/coordinate to those of the principal structure.
Village Engineer Recommendations:
1. The owner installs gutters and downspouts on both the north and south sides of the roof and discharges the water onto the applicant’s property in order to maintain the current runoff pattern.
2. The owner provides proof of access permission from adjacent property owners north and south of the subject property since the building is on or close to the property line and he will need access for equipment and personnel to construct the building.
Comm. Grabowski motioned/ seconded by Comm. Hoff to approve the Conditional Use Grant Request as presented with the Planner and Engineer’s recommendations.
Motion carried 4-0.
b. Conditional Use Grant request of property owner/applicant Michelle Rimer, in c/o contractor David Leef, to construct a new, detached garage on this .2-acre, R-5 Single-Family Residential zoned lot (i.e., 423 Main Street) at an offset and setback from the side and street/front lot lines less than required by Code.
Applicant, Michelle Rimer, indicated that the flex space would be used for storage. Her basement is small and can only be accessed from the outside of the house. Roberts would like to add to the Conditional Use Grant that no habitation is to be allowed in the flex space.
Engineer Barbeau stated the current building has gutters and downspouts that flow to the north. It wasn’t indicated in the plans clearly where they will be placed on the new building. Rimer stated leaving them off was intentional because the lot line is lined with pine trees and the gutters have been getting clogged with pine needles. Rimer also asked if leaving them off would that help with the water running off into the back alleyway. Barbeau is still concerned about the waterflow going onto the adjacent neighbor’s property if there were to be no gutters.
Village Planner Recommendations:
1. Full execution and recording of the Conditional Use Grant document prior to issuance of any building permits in support of this project.
2. Village Engineer review and approval of all necessary grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility plans prior to issuance of a building permit in support of this project.
3. New building materials and colors shall match/coordinate to those of the principal structure.
Village Engineer Recommendations:
1. The applicant provides existing and proposed spot grades around the garage and for the garage slab to confirm the drainage pattern.
2. The owner installs gutters and downspouts that will discharge to the north similar to the existing flow pattern.
3. Consideration and resolution of any comments heard at the public hearing.
Trustee Roberts motioned/seconded by Comm. Hoff to approve the Conditional Use Grant with the Planner & Engineer’s Recommendations with the additions of the installation of gutters and downspouts on the west side of the building and that the new building is not used for habitation.
Motion carried 4-0.
c. Conditional Use Grant request of applicant Logic Design & Architecture, Inc. in c/o Adam Stein, to add a food pick-up window on the east building elevation, add an outdoor seating/dining area, and make related site plan amendments in support of the restaurant use in the east most tenant space of this multi-tenant business building/site located at 1350 Capitol Drive. This 2.63-acre, B-1 Community Business zoned property is owned by Sheveland Properties III LLC in c/o Larry Sheveland.
Censky explained the applicant is requesting to install a pick-up window – not a drive thru window. This will strictly be for vehicles to pull up to and pick up pre-ordered food. Vehicles will be coming in off Greenhedge Rd and traveling north to the window and then leaving either to the northeast or northwest. The only changes to the site plan are to the outdoor seating area on the north side of the building and relocation of the dumpster from the east side of the site to the berm area between the building and Greenhedge on the south side of the site. Censky would like to see the tree proposed to be removed, replaced instead of eliminated. Barbeau stated the issue he discussed with the applicant is access and how the vehicles drive through the site. Vehicles currently come from the east to the west, they cut the corner into the site and either drive fast through to the west or to the south. Traffic will no longer be able to go south onto Greenhedge on this side of the building. The applicant will have “do not enter” signs and white line markings indicating where to stop. Discussion followed regarding proper signage for the new traffic pattern.
Village Planner Recommendations:
1. Full execution and recording of the Conditional Use Grant document prior to start of work in support of this project at the site.
2. Issuance of a building permit prior to the start of any work toward constructing the proposed building and site changes.
3. Village Staff review and approval as to the type and configuration of tables, chairs, umbrellas, and related accessories to be placed in the outdoor seating area, prior to such placement.
4. Applicant to present, for Village Staff review and approval prior to project completion, a suitable landscaping plan, if one is determined by Village Staff to be needed, to screen the relocated dumpster from the surrounding view. Applicant shall complete the installation of any required landscaping plantings within 12 months of project completion.
5. Applicant to present a detailed plan for replacing the removed landscaping around the outdoor seating area. This plan shall be subject to review and approval by Village Staff prior to completion of the project and must be installed by the applicant within 12 months of project completion.
6. Applicant to replace the tree being removed along the east edge of the parking area (near the existing dumpster location) with a like kind and similar sized tree, prior to completion of the project.
7. Village Engineer review and approval of all necessary grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility plans prior to issuance of a building permit in support of this project.
Village Engineer Recommendations:
1. Installation of a “Do Not Enter” symbol sign at the northeast corner of the building.
2. Including arrows to direct traffic to merge right at the north end of the pick-up lane.
3. Provision of a dividing line where traffic flows from the east enters the site.
4. Provision of an exit arrow at the Greenhedge driveway located at the southeast corner of the building.
5. Provision of rip-rap or other solution to minimize erosion of soil at the end of the concrete flume into the drainage swale.
6. Approval from the DPW for a depressed sidewalk at the Greenhedge entrance to the site.
Trustee Roberts motioned/seconded by Comm. Grabowski to approve the Conditional Use Grant with the Planner & Engineer’s Recommendations (excluding Engineers Condition #6 which is no longer necessary) and adding a condition that the applicant enhance the signage for traffic flow as much as possible and to work with staff on possible landscaping for the new dumpster area.
Motion carried 4-0.
d. Review, discussion and possible Building, Site and Operating Plan approval for property owner Goff Investments LLC, in c/o agent Marshall Wisth of Walters Buildings, to add/construct a new 8,190 square foot accessory storage building in support of the existing light industrial use on this 5.68-acre, B-5 Light Industrial zoned property located at 700 Hickory Street.
The materials presented by the applicant appear to be all steel construction with no masonry or window enhancements. Censky stated that currently in the B-5 district, the use of metal material is not prohibited, but the Commission could request masonry material be added to the plans.
Village Planner Recommendations:
1. Applicant to provide a survey-based site plan depicting the building footprint dimensions and an actual building setback from Hickory Street not less than 50 feet.
2. Applicant to provide a survey-based calculation to confirm that the combined buildings floor area ratio does not exceed 30 percent.
3. Applicant to provide sample building materials and colors for Village Staff review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The colors shall match/coordinate with the colors of the existing principal building. The west and north sides of the proposed new building shall include a masonry base course not less than 4feet high from grade.
4. Following completion and occupancy approval of the new building, no more outside storage of materials, equipment, vehicles, or supplies shall be permitted at this site.
5. Following completion and occupancy approval of the new building, any/all dumpsters shall be stored out of the public view or inside of dumpster enclosure(s) that have been approved by Village Staff and permitted as to their location and design.
6. If the existing vegetation along the north and east sides of this new building should wane or die-off to such extent that the new building is no longer fully screened from the east and south, the Village may require the applicant to develop and install a landscaping plan at that time to be installed by the applicant as will ensure an enduring screening from the public view as to these east and south building elevations;
7. Village Engineer review and approval of all necessary grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility plans prior to issuance of a building permit in support of this project.
Village Engineer Recommendations:
1. The applicant provides an engineered grading and erosion control plan for the new building.
2. The applicant delineates the wetland and shows the building location and wetland on a plat of survey to assure that wetland disturbance will not take place.
Trustee Roberts motioned/seconded by Comm. Hoff to approve the construction of the accessory building as presented with the Planner and Engineer’s recommendations with the condition added to require masonry wainscot/base course on all four sides that shall go as high as the masonry bases course on the front/north of the existing principal building (i.e. ~5-feet.)
Discussion followed after the motion regarding the survey timeline – it probably won’t get done until April. Barbeau mentioned this area of the property is not mapped as wetlands, but there is wetland vegetation. A site visit revealed that the building pad area is surrounded on the east and south by cattails, which is a wetland indicator.
7. Citizen Comments – None.
8. Adjournment
Trustee Roberts motioned/seconded by Comm. Grabowski to adjourn the December 14, 2023, Regular Plan Commission meeting at approximately 7:02 p.m.
Motion carried 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenna Peter
Deputy Clerk