Plan Commission Meeting
October 10, 2024 – 6:00 pm
Village Hall
235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072
1. Call to Order and Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, & Moment of Silence
Trustee Rohde called the meeting to order at approximately 6:01 p.m.
Plan Commission members present: Comm. Mark Grabowski; Comm. Sam Liebert; Comm. Brian Belt; Comm. Katie Jelacic; Comm. Theresa Hoff; and Trustee Bob Rohde.
Excused: President Jeff Knutson.
Also present: Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Planner, Ben Kohout; Village Administrator, Matt Heiser; and Deputy Clerk, Mackenzie Quigley.
2. Public Hearings
a. None
3. Citizen Comments – No comments.
4. Approval of the Minutes
a. Regular Plan Commission Meeting – September 12, 2024.
Comm. Grabowski motioned/seconded by Comm. Hoff to approve the September 12, 2024; Regular Plan Commission Meeting minutes as presented.
Motion carried 5-0
5. Old Business
a. None
6. New Business
a. Review, discussion, and possible action on the proposed business plan and architectural site plan review to modify portions of the Pewaukee High School to demolish 16,690 SF and construct 34,950 SF. This 80-acre parcel, located at 510 Lake Street, is zoned IPS Institutional and Public Service District. Property owner and applicant is the Pewaukee School District.
John Gahan, Assistant Superintendent/Chief Financial Officer @ Pewaukee School District – Gave a brief overview of the project, and offered to answer any questions that the plan commission may have.
Village Planner, Ben Kohout, gave a brief overview of requirements for both the new revisions and those discussed at the July 11, 2024, Plan Commission meeting and raised the following question:
Is the commission okay with the lights being on past 11:00 PM as the ordinance requires lights one half hour after closing time?
Comm. Jelacic raised the following question regarding the lighting:
Is the lighting on the outside of the building the same color temperature as the lighting in the parking lot (5,000).
Pewaukee School District staff commented that they are unaware but will reach out to their engineers to find out.
Village Planner Recommendations:
The Village of Pewaukee Plan Commission Approves the Business Site Plan Request and Associated Architecture, Lighting and Landscaping Plans for Pewaukee School District for the property located at 510 Lake Street, subject to the following conditions:
- That all conditions made by the Plan Commission at their meeting of October 2024 pertaining to architecture, site design, landscaping, lighting, grading, parking, or other, are met.
- This Site Plan/Plan of Operation approval is subject to the Petitioner complying at all times with the plans and documents presented to the Village of Pewaukee Plan Commission. The existing site plan/plan of operation shall remain in effect, except as further restricted or modified herein.
- Any roof-mounted equipment shall be located, screened or painted to minimize visibility from streets and adjacent sites.
- The Petitioner shall satisfy all comments, conditions, and concerns of the Village of Pewaukee Plan Commission and Board, Village Engineer and Village Planner for the site plan, and other documentation.
- Building Inspection. The Petitioner and/or Property Owner shall comply with any and all recommendations by the Village Building Inspector (or designee) prior to the issuance of an occupancy & use permit for the subject property. Approval by the Village Building Inspector, if granted, shall be solely for the benefit of the Village of Pewaukee, and shall not be relied upon by the petitioner or others as proof of structural integrity or safety of any structure on the property, or as proof of compliance with any particular construction standard that would apply to new construction. The petitioner shall independently determine the suitability of all structures on the property for the petitioner’s intended uses.
- Fire Inspection. The Petitioner and/or Property Owner shall comply with any and all recommendations by the Village of Pewaukee Fire Department Chief (or designee) prior to the issuance of an occupancy & use permit for the subject property. Approval by the Village of Pewaukee Fire Department Chief (or designee), if granted, shall be solely for the benefit of the Village of Pewaukee, and shall not be relied upon by the petitioner or others as proof of fire safety of any structure on the property, or as proof of compliance with any particular fire safety standard that would apply to new construction. The petitioner shall independently determine the fire safety and suitability of all structures on the property for the petitioner’s intended uses.
- This approval is granted for the express conditions stated herein. Changes or alterations including, but not limited to, a change in use, premises, lands, or ownership of the property in question shall require a new Business Site Plan approval with all the zoning procedures at the time being followed. The allowed uses of the property must at no time be hazardous, harmful, obnoxious, offensive, or a nuisance by reasons of appearance, noise, dust, smoke, odor, or other similar factors. Any use not specifically listed, as permitted, shall be considered to be prohibited, except as may be otherwise specified herein.
- The Property Owner shall keep the exterior condition of the premises in a neat and orderly condition at all times so the premises will not detract from neighboring premises. There shall be no outside storage of junk, debris, construction material, or other refuse materials within the property and all such materials shall be disposed of promptly and properly.
- The Property Owner shall allow Village of Pewaukee representatives to inspect the premises following a 24-hour notice for the purpose of determining compliance with this approval.
- The Petitioner and/or Property Owner shall obtain the appropriate permits from the Village of Pewaukee.
- The Petitioner and/or Property Owner shall, on demand, reimburse the Village of Pewaukee for all costs and expenses of any type incurred by the Village in connection with the review and approval of this application, including, but not limited to, the cost of professional services incurred by the Village for the review and preparation of required documents, attendance at meetings or other related professional services as well as to enforce the conditions in this approval due to a violation of these conditions.
Department of Public Works Recommendations:
- Provide water main easement for review, approval, and recording at Waukesha County Register of Deeds prior to issuance of building permit. Provide PDF copy of easement to Village for filing.
- Provide record drawings for utilities. Provide televising video of sanitary sewer lateral.
- Provide financial guarantee for public water main, record drawings, and landscaping prior issuance of building permit.
Comm. Grabowski motioned/seconded by Comm. Belt to approve the plans presented with the planner recommendations as well as DPW recommendations – additionally the commission will allow all issues (if any), to be handled at a staff level and if staff is uncomfortable handling that issue to bring it back to the commission. Grabowski amended his motion to include the approval of the parking lot lights staying on past 11:00 PM.
Motion carried 5-0.
7. Citizen Comments – No comments.
8. Adjournment
Comm. Liebert motioned/seconded by Comm. Hoff to adjourn the October 10, 2024, Regular Plan Commission meeting at approximately 6:16 p.m.
Motion carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Mackenzie Quigley
Deputy Clerk