February 26, 20213/2/2021 Public Works and Safety Meeting
Utility Bill Reduction 1355 Capitol Drive, Northwest Sanitary Sewer Study, Snow and Ice Removal Ordinance, Space Needs Assessment and Master Plan.
MARCH 2, 2021 – 5:30 pm
Meeting Available on Zoom.us at the following meeting number:
In lieu of participating via the Zoom website, the alternative telephone only dial-in is:
Telephone number: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 86268382745
"Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and in recognition of the declaration of states of emergency by the President, the Governor and the Village President, this meeting will not be open to the public in an in-person capacity. Those wishing to observe may do so by downloading the ZOOM app to your personal computer, tablet or smart phone and utilizing the above information to join via either computer or telephone. If you wish to communicate in written format with the Board you may send written comments to the Village Clerk at 235 Hickory St. Pewaukee, WI 53072 or you may email the clerk at csmith@villageofpewaukee.com.”
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of December 1, 2020 meeting
3. Citizen Comments – This is an opportunity for citizens to share their opinions with Members on any topic they choose. However, due to Wisconsin Open Meeting laws, the Board is not able to answer questions or respond to your comments. All comments should be directed to the Board. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Speakers are asked to use the podium and state their name and address.
4. Old Business
a. Discussion and Action on Request for Utility Bill Reduction, Jack Goldberg representing Taco Bell, 1355 Capitol Dr.
5. New Business
a. Presentation on City of Pewaukee Northwest Sanitary Sewer Study
b. Discussion and Recommendation to the Village Board Regarding Requested Amendment to Section 78.118 of the Municipal Code Regarding Snow and Ice Removal.
c. Review and discussion on Kueny Architects Space Needs Assessment and Master Plan
6. Adjournment
Note: Notice is hereby given that a quorum of a Village Committee and/or Commission may be present at the Village Board meeting, and if so, this meeting shall be considered an informational meeting of that Committee or Commission and no formal action of that Committee or Commission shall occur. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services. To request such assistance, contact the Village Clerk at 262-691-5660.
Posted February 26, 2021
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