February 26, 2021

3/2/2021 Public Works and Safety Meeting

Utility Bill Reduction 1355 Capitol Drive, Northwest Sanitary Sewer Study, Snow and Ice Removal Ordinance, Space Needs Assessment and Master Plan.


MARCH 2, 2021 – 5:30 pm

1. Call to Order

Zoom meeting was called to order by Ed Hill at approximately 5:35 p.m.
Members Present:  Ed Hill, Mark Grabowski, Laurin Miller, Art Compton, Kevin Yonke
Members Not Present:  Casey Smith and Wayne Vaughn
Also Present:  Director of Public Works - Dan Naze, Deput Clerk Treasurer - Jackie Schuh, Treasurer - Kay Yang 

2. Approval of Minutes of December 1, 2020 meeting

Laurin Miller motioned, seconded by Art Compton to approve the minutes of the December 1, 2020 Public Works and Safety Committee as presented.
Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

3. Citizen Comments 

Attorney Van Donkersgoed -13845 Bishops Dr Ste 300, Brookfield Wi 53005 accompanied by Jack Goldberg  of Taco Bell 485 E Half Day Rd Ste 250 Buffalo Grove IL 66089 - Mr. Donkergoed stated that they have submitted additional documentation regarding the Taco Bell water consumption and that they are seeking a refund of $9,079.08 based on the fact that no explanation can be found for the 400% increase in consumption.

4. Old Business

a. Discussion and Action on Request for Utility Bill Reduction, Jack Goldberg representing Taco Bell, 1355 Capitol Dr.
Director of Public Works Dan Naze stated that additional information supporting Taco Bells request of a refund has been submitted by Mr. Goldberg, although nothing conclusive.  Per Naze the ERT on the meter unit was only a totalizer so no daily/hourly data is available. Conclusive data that has been obtained came from additional meter reads done since the appeal came forward.  Naze feels there is nothing indicating that the water was not used.  The reads have returned to a more historical value in nature but that does not indicate that the water was not used.  Naze confirmed that the equipment is functioning correctly currently.  Art Compton indicated that the analog and the electronic reads should sync.  Per Compton, water must run through the meter in order for a leak code to be prompted. He feels we do not have enough documentation on our end, however, to definitively say that there is nothing wrong with the meter/ERT either.  Per Naze the leak code came after the meter was replaced, and the leak code showed up several times, and showed up after twenty-one days of reads indicating a somewhat normal consumption for Taco Bell.  Compton definitely feels there was a leak of some sort, but how big he cannot say as the backup documentation is not there. Mark Grabowski and Laurin Miller both feel confident that the equipment was working correctly based on the twenty-one days and are open to coming to some sort of resolution but not the full amount. Treasurer Kay Yang stated that a leak code is triggered when water runs non-stop for 24-hours.  Over the course of a couple months, a leak code was triggered many times to show that the water running was a recurring event.  Discussion followed regarding possible causes of leaks, current reads, costs of water/sewer and the benefit of getting another read for comparision.  
Mark Grabowski motioned, seconded by Laurin Miller to defer any decision until after the next read and until the next meeting.
Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

5. New Business

a. Presentation on City of Pewaukee Northwest Sanitary Sewer Study
Dan Naze stated that this is a study partnering with City of Pewaukee that dates back to 2019 and the reconstrution project of Kopmeier Dr and removal of the Kopmeier Lift Station. Flow meters were installed in the Village and this is a result of that study.  Mark Van Weelden of Ruekert and Mielke led the committee through the final draft of the the evaluation of two alternatives for the possible future flow contribution of the northwest sanitary swere area of the City of Pewaukee:  1) Keep one entry point through the Village where all flow from the City would be routed through the Citys and the JVillages respective Kopmeier Dr lift stations and 2) Use two entry points through the Village by splitting flow between the Citys Kopmeier Dr lift station an dthe Viollages sanitary swere in the Park HIll Dr area.  Tables were reviewed which itemized the two alternatives and the costs of each, as well as why the estimates were so different in comparision. Discussion followed regarding the type of lines proposed, removal/retention of the lift station, the location of the lift station and timeframe estimates in regards to working with the City of Pewaukee.  Per Mr. Van Weelden, the DNR is generally in favor of the plan to remove the lift station and rely on a gravity main.  The Committee was generally in favor of the removal of the lift station.  

b. Discussion and Recommendation to the Village Board Regarding Requested Amendment to Section 78.118 of the Municipal Code Regarding Snow and Ice Removal.
Laurin Miller motioned, seconded by Kevin Yonke to defer Item 5.b. to April meeting.
Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

c. Review and discussion on Kueny Architects Space Needs Assessment and Master Plan
Item 5.c. was deferred to the April meeting. 

6. Adjournment

Laurin Miller motioned, seconded by Mark Grabowski to adjourn the December 1, 2020 Public Works and Safety Committee meeting at approximately 6:51 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.

Respectfully submitted,



Jackie Schuh
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Pewaukee



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