Stop Signs on Oakton Ave, Utility Bill Reduction for 1355 Capitol Drive and 716 Stepping Stone Way and Pavement Rating Update
Village of Pewaukee
Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting
December 1, 2020
Zoom Meeting called to order by Hill at approximately 5:30 pm.
Members present: Ed Hill, Mark Grabowski, Laurin Miller, Art Compton.
Members absent: Kevin Yonke, Casey Smith and Wayne Vaughn
Also Present: Director of Public Works Naze, Treasurer Kay Yang and Clerk Smith
Agenda Item 2 – Minutes of August 4, 2020 meeting
Grabowski moved, seconded by Compton to approve Minutes of the August 4, 2020 Public Works and Safety Committee as presented.
Motion passed 4-0.
Agenda Item 3 – Citizen Comments
Sumit Pathak @ 716 Stepping Stone – Mr. Pathak stated that he installed an irrigation system for his lawn and he was not aware of the deduct meter option, he is looking for a credit on his utility bill as the water didn’t go down the sewer.
Van Donkersgoed – Representing Taco Bell – Mr. Donkersgoed stated that he is here to discuss the water bill for Taco Bell in agenda item 5a. The water meter was changed at the facility on February 3, 2020 and the bill after that was in line with the previous amounts but the bill after was inflated by over 600%. The Taco Bell facility maintenance employees have reviewed and inspected the property numerous times and have found no leaks or problems. He knows the transmitter was removed and tested but the meter itself was not tested. The high usage is not explainable; the customer has paid the bill.
Jack Goldberg of Deerfield, IL – Mr. Goldberg is the CFO of the Albor Company and when the bill was received it caught his team by surprise and the technicians were sent out to look at the problem as the usage is out of the norm of the other stores; even stores that have two times the volume. He expressed that he would like the issue to be looked into further.
Agenda Item 4 – Old Business
a. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Stop Signs on Oakton Avenue
Director Naze stated this is back from a previous meeting. A traffic engineer looked at the intersection and his recommendation were to continue the operations as is until it is perceived or documented that the conditions have worsened therefore Naze recommended to not do anything regarding this item. The commission’s consensus was to let the issue die and bring back if needed at a later date.
Agenda Item 5 - New Business
a. Discussion and Action on Request for Utility Bill Reduction, Jack Goldberg representing Taco Bell, 1355 Capitol Dr.
Director Naze stated that the second quarter water usage was 836,972 gallons which were after the meter was replaced in February. The ERT provides the signal which provides the reads as the meter rotates. The ERT was tested and no issues were found and no additional information was reported either. The meter was not changed. If a meter goes bad, it will under report not over report the usage due to the sediment that gets built up inside the unit. Compton stated that the meter would have been leaking at approximately six gallons per minute which sounds like a lot but with the size of the pipe it is possible. In 24 years, he has never seen a bad meter but he did ask why only the ERT was tested. Naze stated that was the direction given by Midwest Meter. Discussion followed on different scenarios and testing that could be completed.
Grabowski moved, seconded by Compton to defer this item and follow up at a future meeting with additional information such as the December 2020 read, investigate the meter and ERT and perform a final test.
Motion passed unanimously roll call vote.
b. Discussion and Action on Request for Utility Bill Reduction, Resident Sumit Pathak 716 Stepping Stone Way.
Director Naze responded to Trustee Hill stating that in the past if a resident installed an irrigation system the Committee would provide a credit towards the sewer portion of bill but not water as the water was used. Historical use was used for the basis of the credit. The consensus of the Committee was to credit the sewer portion over the last three third quarter usage.
Grabowski moved, seconded by Miller to credit the sewer portion of the bill for the past three third quarters of 17,849 gallons which equals $652.99.
Motion passed unanimously roll call vote.
c. Pavement Rating Update
Director Naze stated that each year a mileage certification from the DOT needs to be updated with the reconstruction and maintenance completed on each road. In 2020 two streets were reconstructed and roughly two subdivisions were crack sealed. Naze explained the WISLR map included and stated that roads that are rated a 6 may be able to be rehabbed but a 5 would be too far gone. Ratings 4 and under are way too far past rehab. The commission discussed alleys and Naze stated the only alley classified as a street and rated is Savoy Court. Naze stated that a mill and pave for Willow Grove and Meadowcreek Drive is proposed for 2021.
Agenda Item 6 – Adjournment
Grabowski moved, seconded by Miller to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m.
Motion passed unanimously roll call vote.
Respectfully Submitted,
Casandra Smith
Village Clerk