July 26, 20218/2/2021 Public Works and Safety Meeting
Utility Bill Reduction at 1355 Capitol Dr, Parking on Oakton Ave, White Oaks Lift Station, Sidewalks on West Side of STH 164, Sidewalk Maintenance Code 78.109
Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting Agenda
Village Board Room
235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072
August 2, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of June 1, 2021 meeting
3. Citizen Comments
4. Old Business
a. Rescinding of Previous Action on Credit for Utility Bill Reduction, 1355 Capitol Dr.
b. Discussion and Action Regarding Proposed Ordinance 2021-09 – Amending Chapter 86, Article III, Division 3, Section 86.114 of the Village of Pewaukee Code of Ordinances Regarding No Parking Designation, on the South Side of Oakton Avenue From and East of the Pewaukee River– Referred from the Village Board
5. New Business
a. Discussion and Action on Proposals for Replacement of White Oaks Lift Station Motor Control Panel.
b. Discussion and Action Regarding Cost Share Agreement with Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Sidewalk along west side of STH 164 between Walmart and Costco
c. Discussion and Action Regarding Section 78.109 of Municipal Code Regarding Sidewalk Maintenance – Referred from the Village Board
6. Adjournment
Note: It is possible that members and/or possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above-stated meeting to gather information; action will not be taken by any governmental body at the above-stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in the notice. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services. To request such assistance, contact the Village Clerk at 262-691-5660.
Posted: July 30, 2021
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