July 26, 2021

8/2/2021 Public Works and Safety Meeting

Utility Bill Reduction at 1355 Capitol Dr, Parking on Oakton Ave, White Oaks Lift Station, Sidewalks on West Side of STH 164, Sidewalk Maintenance Code 78.109

August 2, 2021

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Trustee Hill at approximately 5:31 p.m.
Members present: Patrick Wunsch, Art Compton, Laurin Miller, Mark Grabowski, Trustee Hill
Members absent: Trustee Yonke and Wayne Vaughn
Also present: Director of Public Works, Dan Naze; and Village Clerk, Casandra Smith

2. Approval of Minutes of June 1, 2021 meeting
Grabowski motioned, seconded by Wunsch to approve the minutes of the June 1, 2021, Public Works and Safety Committee meeting as presented.

Motion carried 4-0-1; Compton abstained.

3. Citizen Comments
Bob Rohde @ 766 Glacier Rd
– Mr. Rohde spoke regarding Item 5c and stated that he voted in favor of the ordinance in 2019 but after he was contacted by citizens who were concerned over village trees in the right-of-way, he believes that if the Village trees cause the sidewalk to be replaced that the resident should not be responsible because the Village dictates where the trees are placed and what type of tree is placed.

4. Old Business

a. Rescinding of Previous Action on Credit for Utility Bill Reduction, 1355 Capitol Dr.
Director Naze stated that the new Village Treasurer reached out to the PSC (Public Service Commission) regarding the credit that was applied to the occupant of 1355 Capitol Drive.  The PSC has made the determination that unless there is proof of the defective meter a credit should not have been given and instead the owner should file a complaint with the PSC.  This is on the agenda to rescind the prior motion to credit the utiltiy bill.
Grabowski motioned, seconded by Miller to rescind the previous approval action by the Public Works and Safety Committee at the June 1st, 2021 meeting regarding the water utility bill credit for 1355 Capitol Drive, Pewaukee, WI.
Motion carried 5-0.

b. Discussion and Action Regarding Proposed Ordinance 2021-09 – Amending Chapter 86, Article III, Division 3, Section 86.114 of the Village of Pewaukee Code of Ordinances Regarding No Parking Designation, on the South Side of Oakton Avenue From and East of the Pewaukee River– Referred from the Village Board
Trustee Hill stated that the Village Board looked at this recommendation and after some resident objections it was forwarded back to this Committee for further discussion.  One of the businesses has customers with ambulatory conditions which makes it important that they are able to use the road parking for ease of access to the building.  Compton suggested making the north side of the street no parking as the businesses on that side could use the public parking lot.  Discussion followed on the parking restrictions.
Grabowski motioned, seconded by Miller to recommend to the Village Board no parking be implemented on the north side of Oakton Ave between Elm Street and the Pewaukee River.
Motion carried 5-0.

5. New Business

a. Discussion and Action on Proposals for Replacement of White Oaks Lift Station Motor Control Panel.
Director Naze explained the power failure issues which occurred in April caused staff to run the lift manually until the component needed was garnered to bring the facility back into running order.  The motor control panel is in need of a replacement motor control panel and the lead time is about 6 months out.  Naze suggested that the Committee approve a new motor control panel which will also include relocating the new panel out of the current confined space.  Discussion followed regarding the age and lead time of the lift station.
Wunsch motioned, seconded by Compton to proceed with the purchase of a new motor control panel for the White Oaks Lift Station to be paid out of with fund balance subject to staff modification and discretion. 
Motion carried 5-0.

b. Discussion and Action Regarding Cost Share Agreement with Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Sidewalk along the west side of STH 164 between Walmart and Costco
Director Naze stated that he received a proposal from the DOT asking if the Village would like to participate in installing a sidewalk along the west side of STH 164 between Walmart and Costco at the Village cost of 20% of the total.  This may be a future budget issue as the project is planned for 2026.  Naze responded to Wunsch stating that there is a mutual agreement between the Village and City where the Village is responsible for the sidewalk on the east side of STH 164 even though it is the majority of the City's sidewalk.  Grabowski stated that the sidewalk would lead to nowhere and it would be more work for the Village.  Wunsch stated that maybe this would be beneficial if there was more residential exposure.  Hill expressed his concern for the trees and steep grade which would have to be modified on the west side.
Wunsch motioned, seconded by Grabowski to take the recommendation to the Village Board to decline the sidewalk installation regarding the cost-sharing agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for a sidewalk along the west side of STH 164 between Walmart and Costco.
Motion carried 5-0.

c. Discussion and Action Regarding Section 78.109 of Municipal Code Regarding Sidewalk Maintenance – Referred from the Village Board
Director Naze stated that the current code (78.109) was adopted in October 2019.  Previously the Village was responsible for the sidewalk replacements.  In the last 2 years, the sidewalk budget was completely used to replace 3 pedestrian crosswalks.  The Village doesn't have the staff to conduct a sidewalk program/grant system.  Naze responded to Miller, the current Village system is complaint-based or project related, we do not go out looking for problems but do address problems as they are brought up.  Naze explained that if a resident doesn't comply with the letters, the Village will hire a contractor and bill the resident.  Miller asked how frequently it is our trees that cause the sidewalk to be pushed up; Hill responded that it is pretty frequent.  Discussion followed regarding an annual sidewalk maintenance program to assess sidewalk concerns.  
Grabowski motioned, seconded by Wunsch to recommend to the Village Board to change the Ordinance to read as follows:
"abutting owner to construct and maintain curb and gutter. The abutting property owner on crowned streets only shall build, repair, construct and perpetually maintain the curb and gutter along or upon any street in the Village of Pewaukee and shall pay the entire cost; except that on corner residential and industrial lots the village shall pay two-thirds of the costs attributable to that portion of the curb and gutter that extends along the long side of any such lot and except that on lots abutting on two streets, and which lots cannot be divided under village zoning regulations, the owner shall be assessed only for that portion of the lot that constitutes the front. The village shall be the sole judge of which portion of such lots constitute frontage. On curved crowned streets, the abutting property owner shall pay the entire cost of such construction and maintenance.  Where sidewalks with significant defects are caused by Village assets (such as street trees), as determined by the Director of Public Works or their designee, the Village shall be responsible for replacement and shall pay the entire cost.

Motion carried 5-0.

6. Adjournment

Miller motioned, seconded by Grabowski to adjourn the August 2, 2021 Public Works and Safety Committee meeting at approximately 6:42 p.m.
Motion carried by roll call vote 5-0.

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