Ordinance 2021-09 Amending No Parking on South Side of Oakton, White Oaks Lift Station, Sanitary Sewer and Manhole Repairs, Exempt Water Meters, School District Area Sign Evaluations, 2021 Bi-Annual State Required Pavement Ratings.
December 7, 2021
Meeting called to order by Yonke at 5:32 pm.
Members present: Ed Hill, Mark Grabowski, Laurin Miller, Art Compton, Pat Wunsch, Chair Kevin Yonke.
Members absent:
Also Present: Director of Public Works Naze, Treasurer Kayla Haack
Agenda Item 2 – Minutes of August 2, 2021 meeting
Hill moved, second Wunsch to approve Minutes of the August 2, 2021 Public Works and Safety Committee as presented.
Motion passed 5-0, Yonke abstain.
Agenda Item 3 – Citizen Comments - None.
Agenda Item 4 – Old Business
a. Discussion and Action Regarding Previous Recommendation - Ordinance 2021-09 – Amending Chapter 86, Article III, Division 3, Section 86.114 of the Village of Pewaukee Code of Ordinances Regarding No Parking Designation, on the South Side of Oakton Avenue From, and East, of the Pewaukee River
Director Naze stated this is returning due to limitations on proposed sign post installations becoming obstructions in the sidewalk in order to meet muctd sign location requirements. Discussion followed regarding using the north side light post or options for placing a sign on the south side of the street at 206 Oakton. Direction given to Naze to evaluate and return findings to the Committee.
Agenda Item 5 - New Business
a. Discussion and Action on Change Order Addition to the Replacement of the White Oaks Lift Station Motor Control Panel
Director Naze explained the operation of pumps and alarms at White Oaks is strictly by mechanical floats, there are no level transducers at the locations. The transducer will become primary pump signal and the floats will become back up. The transducer will also permit remote SCADA wet well level monitoring without being physically present.
Grabowski moved, second Miller to approve a change order to Hogen Electric for $6,055 to add a level transducer to the White Oaks panel replacement project.
Motion passed unanimously.
b. Discussion and Action on Entering into an Agreement with Northern Pipe, Inc, Green Bay, for Sanitary Sewer and Manhole Repairs.
Director Naze stated that at the conclusion of this year’s sanitary sewer jetting and televising program, our Vendor, Northern Pipe, informed of numerous significant pipe defects and manhole inflow and infiltrations locations in the televising area. Following review of those defects, a proposal was developed to address those problems, just within the 2021 televising area and by using in-situ non-invasive technologies to perform. Brief discussion followed.
Motion Wunsch, second Grabowski, to enter into agreement with Northern Pipe, Inc, to perform sewer and manhole repairs related to 2021 $30,850.
Motion passed unanimously.
c. Discussion and Recommendation to the Village Board Regarding Exempt Water Meters.
Treasurer Haack explained to Committee that our current exempt meter code and offering is not compliant with Wisconsin Public Service Commission rules. The water utility must own the meter and is responsible for anything pertaining to the meter.
The decision must be made to continue with one of the following options; do not offer exempt meters, continue offering exempt meters owned by the utility, consider revising billing procedures such as an average for summer quarter billing. Discussion followed on the alternatives.
Motion Hill, second Wunsch, to recommend to the Village Board that exempt water meters continue to be offered, and owned and installed by the Village.
Motion passed unanimously.
d. Discussion and Possible Action on Prospect Avenue/School District Area Sign Evaluation Results.
Director Naze presented results of an evaluation he requested be performed by raSmith consultants, of traffic and pedestrian signs around the school district properties, including leaning and incorrectly located beacons on Prospect Avenue, two different school related speed zones, and school related signs not fully compliant with the Manual of Traffic Control Devices recommendations. The cost to perform the upgrades is approximately $18,000. This project is not budgeted.
No action taken. Member Grabowski indicated he would potentially pursue a conversation with the school district maintenance staff regarding participation in sign replacement cost.
e. Discussion of 2021 Bi-Annual State Required Pavement Ratings.
Director Naze stated that municipalities are required by Section 86.302, Wisconsin Statutes, to biennially assess local road pavements using a standardized rating system, and submit results by December 15th. Every road segment, (338 for 2021), is physically evaluated using a 1-10 system called PASER. (Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating.) A worksheet showing the results of 2021 evaluations ordered from lowest to highest was included. Naze stated that additional road funds borrowed and not yet used are available, and that in his opinion some structural pavement replacement on Forest Grove north of the railroad tracks would be a suitable location. No action, item informational only.
Agenda Item 6 – Adjournment
Motion Hill, second Grabowski to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m.
Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Naze, P.E.
Director of Public Works/Village Engineer