West Wisconsin Parking Request, Above Grade Communication Cabinet, Seasonal Staffing, Lakefront Speed Limit, Lakefront Public Assets, PW&S Quarterly Meetings
Village of Pewaukee
Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2023
Agenda Item 1 – Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 5:31 pm by Chairman Hill inviting participation in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present: Mark Grabowski, Laurin Miller, Jim Grabowski, Nick Wellenstein, Patrick Wunsch, Ed Hill.
Members absent: None
Also Present: Director of Public Works Naze, Administrator Scott Gosse
Agenda Item 2 – Minutes of July 19, 2022 meeting
M. Grabowski moved, second Miller to approve Minutes of the July 19, 2022 Public Works and Safety Committee as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item 3 – Citizen Comments
Sarah Stephens, representing Beach Bum Bakery, briefly explained her reasons behind the request for a rental of public parking spaces on West Wisconsin Avenue, citing no rear door, patrons and Door Dash pick-ups usually being very brief in their visits, etc.
Agenda Item 4 – Old Business - None.
Agenda Item 5 - New Business
a. Discussion and Action Regarding West Wisconsin Avenue Business Parking Request and Agreement
Administrator Gosse introduced the request by Beach Bum Bakery to rent two public parking spaces reserving them for their business. It is anticipated that a lease agreement would be similar in nature to the existing rental arrangements for dining spaces in parking areas. A concern is how enforcement would take place. Discussion followed, with expectation that enforcement would be enforced if necessary, by the bakery.
Motion J. Grabowski to recommend to the Village Board the approval of a drafted lease agreement for two public parking spots abutting Beach Bum Bakery, second Wunsch. Motion passed unanimously.
b. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Above Grade Communication Cabinet Requests
Director Naze explained a recent right of way permit application had been submitted that placed an above grade communications cabinet on a concrete slab on a residential street in front of a house. Staff is not in favor of such permanent structures placed above grade abutting residential lots. Brief discussion followed. Mun. Ord. 78 contains some relatable text for conditions of cabinets in the right of way.
Motion J. Grabowski, to deny the current application, with future similar applications responded to likewise, unless a reasonable hardship can be presented by the applicant. Second M. Grabowski. Motion passed unanimously.
c. Discussion Regarding Seasonal Employee Staffing
Director Naze presented the current status of returning summer employees, the current status of applications received, and where the job search advertisement has been placed. No action item.
d. Discussion and Possible Action – Lakefront Speed Limit
Trustee Grabowski explained he would like to see the seasonal 15 mph speed limit on the lakefront become permanent throughout the year. Brief discussion followed.
Motion M. Grabowski, to recommend to the Village Board the 15 mph speed limit become permanent throughout the year. Second Miller. Motion passed unanimously.
e. Discussion Regarding Lakefront Public Assets
Trustee Grabowski requested discussion regarding various public assets along the lakefront. Park Director Phalen provided an email regarding assets on the lake side of the street indicating Parks started replacing the recycling cans at Lakefront Park, are replacing trash cans this spring at Lakefront Park, and that two memorial benches will replace the two old benches near the dam this spring. Further discussion regarding Village trash receptacles on the business side was that they were tired, however no funds were budgeted for replacements. Staff was directed to perform some rehabilitation to the existing receptacles and light pole bases in the form of sanding or wire brushing and repainting.
f. Discussion and Action Regarding Making Public Works and Safety Commission Meetings a Standard Quarterly Meeting
Trustee Grabowski requested discussion regarding providing a standard scheduled quarterly placeholder for Public Works and Safety Committee meetings. Discussion followed with committee support. If no agenda items exist for discussion, a notice will be provided cancelling the meeting at least one week previous. The months for scheduled meetings will be March, June, September, and December.
Agenda Item 6 – Adjournment
Motion J. Grabowski, second Miller to adjourn the meeting at 5:04 p.m. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Naze, P.E.
Director of Public Works/Village Engineer