Sign evaluation on Prospect Ave, Fluoride in water supply, speed humps for Lake St, School St, and Prospect Ave, and Stormwater Pond Maintenance at Riverside Preserve
Village of Pewaukee
Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2024
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at approximately 4:30 pm by Clerk Smith inviting participation in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present: Laurin Miller, Trustee Krasovich, Trustee Grabowski, Nick Wellenstein, Patrick Wunsch, Ed Hill, and Mark Grabowski
Members absent: None.
Also Present: Administrator Scott Gosse, Director Dave Buechl, and Clerk Casandra Smith
2. Minutes of October 3, 2023, meeting
Member Krasovich moved, seconded by Member Wunch to approve the October 3, 2023, Minutes of the Regular Village Board meeting with edit.
Motion passed unanimously.
3. Citizen Comments –
The Commission allowed the below citizen to speak at 5:10 p.m.
Dan Deneen @ 412 Sunset – Mr. Deneen spoke regarding who is responsible for the retention pond at Riverside Preserve and what measures are required so that it doesn’t become a stinky mess.
4. Old Business
a. Review and Discussion/Possible Action on Prospect Avenue/School District Area Sign Evaluation Results.
Director Buechl gave an overview of the signage area around the School District. In 2021 a traffic engineer was hired to conduct a study on signs resulting in recommendations which are included in the packet. Some updates have started. A meeting with the School District indicated that they were not comfortable agreeing to pay for the signs at this point but would look into this topic at a later date. Director Buechl recommended replacing the signs. Discussion regarding costs and sign placement continued.
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Member Hill to replace sixteen signs according to the layout as provided in the agenda packet.
Motion passed unanimously.
5. New Business
a. Discussion Regarding Use of Fluoride in Water Supply
Trustee Hill gave some background on the use of fluoride and the harmful effects of fluoride. Fluoride is not mandated by the DNR etc. Trustee Krasovich reviewed several health experts who support the use of fluoride. Discussion continued regarding the use of fluoride in the Village’s water supply and the consensus was to continue fluoride treatment in the water supply until data proves otherwise.
b. Discussion and Direction Regarding Use of Speed Humps for Traffic/Speed Control on Lake Street, School Street and Prospect Avenue
Trustee Hill explained that in addition to the traffic control signs by the school district he believes these streets are heavily used and he believes the area is not very enforced. The speed humps downtown have proved effective and should be considered around the School District. Hill referenced other communities around the area that have used speed humps to slow traffic. Discussion regarding the use of speed humps and the police enforcement of the area continued.
Member Hill moved, seconded by Member Miller to table item 5b until after new signage is placed and additional Police presence is enhanced.
Motion passed unanimously.
c. Discussion Regarding Riverside Preserve Stormwater Pond Maintenance
Maintenance of the pond is the responsibility of the Homeowners Association as listed in the storm water maintenance agreement. Administrator Gosse stated that the Stormwater Pond maintenance contract allows Village to perform the maintenance and charge the homeowners within the association if they do not perform the required maintenance.
6. Adjournment
Member Grabowski moved, seconded by Member Wunch to adjourn the February 6, 2024, Public Works and Safety meeting at approximately 5:18 pm.
Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Casandra Smith
Village Clerk