2024 Pavement Crackfilling, 2024 Road & Utility Improvements, Lake Week Removal Continuance, Possible Action on Well 7 Site Selection, Possible Action on 1307 Chesterwood Sidewalk, 219 Park Ave Storm Sewer Collapse, Driveway Approaches, Parking Signage on Lake St. and Orchard Ave, and 2025 Street Projects.
Village of Pewaukee
Public Works & Safety Committee Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2024
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence and Roll Call.
Trustee Grabowski called the meeting to order at approximately 4:30 p.m.
Members Present: Laurin Miller, Trustee Krasovich, Patrick Wunsch, Ed Hill, Mark Grabowski, and Trustee Grabowski.
Members Absent: Nick Wellenstein
Also Present: Administrator Heiser, Director Dave Buechl, Supervisor Jay Bickler, and Clerk Jenna Peter
2. Approval of Minutes of the February 6, 2024, meeting.
Member Hill motioned, seconded by Member Krasovich to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2024, meeting.
Motion carried 6-0.
3. Citizen Comments – None.
4. Old Business – None.
5. New Business
a. Review and Discussion on Contract for 2024 Pavement Crack-filling
Director Buechl explained that bids were opened on August 27, 2024. Bidding was done electronically through a program called QUEST. The bid from Thunder Road, LLC was properly submitted. The bid from PLM Paving, LLC contained a different total bid price; however, they uploaded a second bid form which defined their intent. Buechl further explained that the Committee will need to determine if the bid for PLM Paving to be legitimate and recommend to the Village Board for approval. Buechl stated that the City of Pewaukee gave positive feedback for PLM Paving.
The consensus of the Committee is to allow the bid for 2024 Pavement Crack-filling from PLM Paving to be a legitimate bid.
b. Review and Discussion on 2024 Road and Utility Improvements
Buechl explained this project was originally bid out on June 11, 2024, and no bids were received. Some street projects were taken out and it was rebid, and bids were opened on July 10, 2024. Wolfe Paving was the lowest bid at $1,027,417.58. Buechl stated streets that need watermain relays were kept in the project.
c. Review and Discussion on Lake Weed Removal Continuance
Buechl stated the Village hired 6 party time students to help with weed cutting this summer and there are currently only 2 left working. Public Works hoping to keep a student on full time through the fall. There are 3 lake weed harvesters up and running. M. Grabowski thanked the Public Works Department for their hard work. Krasovich also stated that feedback from residents has been positive.
d. Discussion and Possible Action on Well 7 Site Selection
Buechl listed the evaluation criteria that were involved in the site review:
1. Hydrogeological suitability of site and quantity of available ground water.
2. Project costs to acquire parcel, drill well, construct well building, construct possible filtration equipment
3. Ability to acquire site. Is the site already owned by the Village or a private entity?
4. Proximity to existing utility connections such as water main, sanitary sewer, electric, gas, telecommunications
5. Contaminants in deep versus shallow wells.
6. Proximity to other deep or shallow wells to minimize zone of influence
7. Incorporation of water storage reservoir being either elevated water tower storage or ground level storage reservoir. Is an emergency backup generator needed? Does the Village find a water tower to be more of a desired billboard than compared to a ground level reservoir? Is concealing the reservoir in a building a concern for esthetics?
8. Long term tax income collected or not collected from parcel
9. Esthetics of infrastructure at site, architecture, or sight lines
10. Other design considerations such as floodplain, floodway, tree removals, access locations, easements, future expansion areas, reduced Park areas, etc.
Chris Epstein from Ruekert-Mielke presented on potential sites for Well 7. Well 7 will replace Well 2 which is located on Capitol Dr. The potential 3 well locations are:
- Kiwanis Village Park – Village Owned
- Cecelia Dr – Village Owned
- Hawthorne Hills – Privately Owned
Epstein’s recommendation is the Cecelia Dr location because the pros outweigh the cons. There is no tree removal required, has favorable capacity, does not take away from nearby park and land area, and has less foot traffic which reduces the risk of safety concerns.
M. Grabowski would like to see the layout on the Cecelia property to either maximize the frontage for commercials lots or the back for residential lots.
Member M. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Member Wunsch to select Cecelia Drive as the new location for Well 7 and direct the Public Works Director and consulting engineer to layout the well building and elevated storage tank at the discussed locations.
Motion carried 6-0.
e. Discussion and Possible Action on 1307 Chesterwood Sidewalk Replacement and Reimbursement Request
Resident Randy Boehm explained he has been asking the Village to replace the sidewalk in front of his residence for the past 5 years. A Village tree had uprooted and raised the sidewalk and had become a safety concern. Buechl stated Mr. Boehm hired a contractor to fix the sidewalk; however, the contractor did not get a Village Right-of-Way permit for the work and does not recommend approving the $1,000 reimbursement.
Krasovich and Grabowski suggested in leu of the $1,000 reimbursement, the Village will replace other potential sidewalk locations.
Member Hill motioned, seconded by Member Miller to defer for staff review.
Motion carried 6-0.
f. Discussion on 219 Park St. Storm Sewer Collapse
Buechl explained the resident contacted the Village about a possible clogged storm sewer within a pipe that drains from a manhole in Park Ave. The Village hired a company to televise the line and it will be done this week.
Member M. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Member Wunsch to defer until we get the televising results.
Motion carried 6-0.
g. Discussion on maintenance of driveway approaches
Member Hill motioned, seconded by Member Grabowski to defer.
Motion carried 6-0.
h. Discussion on Parking Signage on Lake St and Orchard Ave
Buechl stated the residents at this property contacted a Village Board member to add no parking signs in front of their house. As part of the 2024 Street program, a sidewalk ramp is being installed in front of this house at the corner of Orchard and Lake Street. With this addition, sidewalk could be extended across the frontage of this property, allowing them to be able to walk from their carriage walk to the Village sidewalk.
- Not action taken
i. Discussion on 2025 Street Projects
Member M. Grabowski motioned, seconded by Member Wunsch to defer.
Motion carried 6-0.
6. Adjournment
Member Krasovich moved, seconded by Member Grabowski to adjourn the September 3, 2024, Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting at approximately 6:05 p.m.
Motion carried 6-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenna Peter
Village Clerk