August 15, 2024

8/22/2024 Historic Preservation Commission

Consultation by Pastor Florin for the installation/design of an interior elevator at Agape Community Church

Historic Preservation Commission
August 22, 2024 

1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Village Clerk, Jenna Peter called the meeting to order at approximately 3:05 p.m.

Roll Call was taken with the following Historic Preservation Commission members present: Trustee; Kelli Belt, Member; Heather Gergen, and Member; Jeffrey Phillips.
Plan Commissioner Theresa Hoff and Member; Cheryl Mantz were excused.

Also Present: Village Administrator; Matt Heiser and Village Clerk; Jenna Peter.

2. Citizen Comments – None.

3. Presentation
a. Presentation, Discussion, and Consultation by Pastor Florin for the installation/design of an interior elevator located at Agape Community Church located at 449 W Wisconsin Ave, PWV 0893013002.
Pastor Florin discussed various projects that were completed inside the church. They are in need of a wheelchair lift because people with mobility issues currently have no way to get to the basement or sanctuary levels. The lift was proposed in the original plans and the time has come for the lift to be designed and constructed. Patrons will be able to enter the lift from the parking lot and move either up or down from the parking lot level. The Commission members were in favor of the initial presentation and concept of the addition of the lift.
Pastor Florin’s architect will finalize the plans and bring the designs before the congregation. Clerk Peter will be in contact with the applicant for the next steps going forward.

4. Adjournment
The August 22, 2024, Historic Preservation Commission meeting adjourned at 3:39 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Jenna Peter
Village Clerk

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