October 1, 202410/03/2024 Historic Preservation Commission
Installation/design of a lift at Agape Community Church
Historic Preservation Commission
October 03, 2024
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Village Clerk, Jenna Peter called the meeting to order at approximately 4:02 p.m.
Roll Call was taken with the following Historic Preservation Commission members present: Member; Heather Gergen, Member Cheryl Mantz, Member Theresa Hoff, and Member Jeffrey Phillips.
Excused: Member Kelli Belt.
Also Present: Village Administrator; Matt Heiser and Village Clerk; Jenna Peter.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
a. August 22, 2024
Clerk Peter stated Pastor Florin had emailed her with some language changes.
“…the basement or attic” change to “the basement or sanctuary level.”
“…either up or down from the main (first) level” change to “either up or down from the parking level.”
Member Gergen moved, seconded by Member Phillips to approve the August 22, 2024, minutes with the changes as presented.
3. Citizen Comments – None.
4. Presentation
a. Review, Discussion and Possible Action on the installation/design of a lift located at Agape Community Church 449 W Wisconsin Ave PWV 0893013002.
Pastor Florin explained he has spoken to the architect about the requirements the Commission had discussed at the August 22, 2024 meeting. The stained glass windows will remain. The project has to match and fit the design of the building by utilizing reclaimed materials from the current building. The outside of the structure will be a mix of stone on the bottom with brick on top and will match the color of the current building.
Member Hoff asked if there would be a seat that patrons could use to sit when the lift is in motion. Pastor Florin stated that the design was meant to accommodate a wheelchair and an attendant. A vendor for the lift has not been selected but he is sure the specifications will meet all ADA requirements. Member Mantz asked if there would be a handicap button that patrons can push on the outside of the building that will open the door. Pastor Florin stated he would have to find out if that would be included in the accessory package. Member Gergen stated that would be a requirement of ADA approval and should go through the building permitting process.
Member Gergen motioned, seconded by Member Phillips to approve the design for Agape Church as presented.
Motion carried 4-0.
5. Adjournment
Member Mantz motioned, seconded by Member Hoff to adjourn the October 3, 2024, Historic Preservation Commission meeting at 4:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenna Peter
Village Clerk
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