July 13, 2023

7/18/2023 Village Board Meeting

Ordinance Regarding Vapor Products, Resolutions Regarding State Trust Fund Loan Application, Dental Plan Change, and Local Government Funding, Review of Expense and Revenue Budget, Strategic Plan Update, Special Event September 13, ROW Permit for Twisted Vine, Developer Agreement for The Westerly Senior Living Project, Lamon Family Lakeside Park Deck Bid, Cremains Only Section, August 1st Village Board Meeting Move due to National Night Out, License Applications, Monthly Checks and Closed Session Regarding Jade Reef Properties and Fire and EMS Contract.

July 18, 2023

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, and Roll Call
President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:01 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence.

Roll Call was taken with the following Village Board members present: Trustee Heather Gergen; Trustee Bob Rohde; Trustee Kelli Belt; Trustee Chris Krasovich; Trustee Craig Roberts; Trustee Jim Grabowski, and President Jeff Knutson

Also Present: Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; Village Treasurer, Kayla Haack; Police Chief, Timothy Heier; and Village Clerk, Cassie Smith.

2. Public Hearings/Presentations – None.

3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

a. Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting – June 6, 2023
This item was not presented due to the meeting date being incorrect.

4. Citizen Comments – none

5. Ordinances 

a. Possible Action on Ordinance No. 2023-12, Ordinance to Amend Section 54.130 of Municipal Code of the Village of Pewaukee Regarding the Sale, Gift, or Possession of Vapor Products 
Attorney Gralinski explained that the Village Code already prohibits tobacco use and this Ordinance is to add that vapor products also be banned.  Increases in citation levels are also proposed. Chief Heier explained there has been an increase of usage in the school and the School District is in favor of this update.  Discussion regarding use and possession clarification.
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to Approve Ordinance No. 2023-12, Ordinance to Amend Section 54.130 of Municipal Code of the Village of Pewaukee Regarding the Sale, Gift, or Possession of Vapor Products as Presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

6. Resolutions 

a. Possible Action on Resolution No. 2023-09, Resolution Regarding Application for State Trust Fund Loan
Administrator Gosse presented the State Trust Fund Loan Application in the amount of $670,688 for the Village’s 2023 Capitol Projects.  This loan could be re-financed at a later date if desired.  The Village would not be requesting funds until after September 5, 2023, which would defer the 1st payment until March 2025.  The loan is general obligation debt which means that if the utilities cannot pay their portion the general taxing authority of the Village is obligated to repay the loan.  
Trustee Roberts moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to Approve Resolution No. 2023-09 to Submit the Application for State Trust Fund Loan in the Amount of $670,688 as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

b. Possible Action on Resolution No. 2023-10, Dental Plan Change to ETF 
Clerk Smith explained that moving Dental Insurance to the State of Wisconsin Plan would save the Village and employees money while increasing benefits.    
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Gergen, to Adopt Resolution No. 2023-10 to Move the Dental Insurance Plan Change to ETF as of January 1, 2024, as Presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

c. Possible Action on Resolution No. 2023-11, A Resolution Expressing Gratitude for Local Government Funding Legislation Enacted Through Wisconsin Act 12
This Resolution was created to express gratitude to the legislature regarding shared revenue.   
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts, to Adopt Resolution No. 2023-11, Expressing Gratitude for Local Government Funding Legislation Enacted Through Wisconsin Act 12 as Presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

7. Old Business

a. Discussion and Review of Expense and Revenue Budget to Actual and Fund Balance
Treasurer Haack presented the layout of the expense and revenue budget to actual worksheets and asked for feedback.  Trustee Rohde asked Haack to include a comparison with prior year amounts.  Trustee Roberts asked Haack to include a memo to explain fund activity.  Trustee Belt stated that she and Trustee Roberts will be looking at the report details monthly.  Trustee Belt acknowledged Haack for generating larger interest income using LGIP.  The Village Board consensus was to move forward with this layout including prior year amounts and a written memo.  The details will be emailed quarterly to the Village Board for those who wish to review.  

b. Strategic Plan Update
Trustee Roberts handed out a document that included the participants invited to join the focus group to update the Strategic Plan.  Roberts will summarize the meetings and will update the Village Board.  

8. New Business

a. Discussion and Possible Action on Positively Pewaukee Special Event Permit Application for September 13, 2023 
Administrator Gosse presented the Positively Pewaukee Event on September 13, 2023, like Waterfront Wednesday called Grilling and Chilling at the Lakefront Park Pavilion.  The reference regarding an ambulance on site should be removed as this will be a smaller event and an ambulance wouldn’t need to be on site.
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to Approve the Grilling and Chilling Event by Positively Pewaukee Application for September 13, 2023.
Motion carried 7-0.

b. Discussion and Possible Action on a Right-of-Way Permit for Twisted Vine, 145 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite #1 
Administrator Gosse stated Twisted Vine applied to use the three parking spaces across from the business for use of dining.  A concrete barrier would be required for all three sides of the proposed location if the Beach House Bistro does not implement the use of their street dining.  Trustee Roberts explained that this is an approval per Conditional Use Grant and the difference with this approval is that a Conditional Use Grant would need to be presented and approved by the Plan Commission yearly before a ROW permit would be issued.  
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to Approve the Right-of-Way Permit for Twisted Vine at 145 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite #1 as Presented with the Addition of Requiring all Three Sides to Include Concrete Barriers.
Motion carried 7-0.

c. Discussion and Possible Action on Development Agreement for The Westerly Senior Living Project
Administrator Gosse presented the Development Agreement for the Westerly Senior Living Project.  The Developer provided a check in lieu of the surety requirement to get the project moving as quickly as possible.  The Village would remit the check deposit back to the developer once they have satisfied the requirements as addressed in the agreement.
Trustee Roberts moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to Approve the Development Agreement as Presented Including Updates to the Language in the Contract to Refer to a Monetary Deposit Instead of a Letter of Credit/Surety.
Motion carried 7-0.

d. Discussion and Possible Action on Bid Award for Laimon Family Lakeside Park Deck and Roof Project
Trustee Rohde stated that the bids received for roof and deck repairs at Laimon Lakeside Park for were over budget and incomplete.  The Park and Recreation Committee has voted to recommend rejecting both bids and restarting the bid process in the spring of 2024.  
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to Reject All Bids for the Laimon Family Lakeside Park Deck and Roof Project.
Motion carried 7-0.

e. Discussion, Direction, and/or Possible Action on raSmith Cremains Only Cemetery Section in the Forest Hill Cemetery
Clerk Smith presented the cremains-only section proposal.  The Village Board directed Clerk Smith to research other cremains-only cemeteries to determine if the size proposed is appropriate or if the lot sizes could be smaller.    

f. Discussion and Possible Action on Moving August 1, 2023, Village Board Meeting to August 2, 2023, Due to National Night Out on August 1st 
Village President asked if the Village Board would like to move the Village Board meeting from August 1st to August 2nd, 2023, due to the National Night Out event.  
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to Start the Village Board Meeting on August 1st, 2023, at 7 p.m. 
Motion carried 7-0.  

g. License Applications

1. “Class B” Alcohol License for Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to Approve “Class B” Combination License for SBG Apple North XV, LLC Upon the Surrender of the Current License Holder as Presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

2. Temporary Class “B”/”Class B” License – Positively Pewaukee 
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to Approve the Temporary Class “B” License for Positively Pewaukee’s Grilling and Chilling Event on September 13, 2023, at the Lakefront Pavilion as Presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

3. Mobile Home/Trailer Park License
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to Approve the Mobile Home/Trailer Park License as Presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

h. Monthly Approval of Checks and Invoices for all funds – June 2023
Trustee Krasovich motioned, seconded by Trustee Rohde to approve the June 2023 checks and invoices as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.
Trustee Roberts motioned, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to acknowledge the Library Fund June 2023 checks and invoices as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

9. Citizen Comments - None

10. Closed Session.The Village Board of the Village of Pewaukee will enter into closed session pursuant to Wis. Statute Section 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically regarding Jade Reef Properties, LLC Developers Agreement, and Fire and EMS Contract with City of Pewaukee.
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Gergen to Move into Closed Session at Approximately 7:36 p.m.
Motion carried on Roll Call Vote, 7-0.

11. Reconvene into Open Session
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to Reconvene into Open Session at Approximately 8:13 p.m.
Motion carried on Roll Call Vote, 7-0.

a. Possible Action on the Fire and EMS Contract with the City of Pewaukee
No action was taken.

12. Adjournment
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to Adjourn the July 18, 2023, Regular Village Board meeting at approximately 8:14 p.m.
Motion carried 7-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Casandra Smith 
Village Clerk


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