August 11, 2023

8/15/2023 Village Board Meeting

Ordinance to Amend Building Hight and Residential Use Parking Regulations and Elderly Overlay Zoning District, Strategic Plan Update, Kiwanis Village Park Sanitary Sewer Lateral Replacement, Steel Casing for Water Main Pipe and Sanitary Sewer Lateral Pipe, Village Hall Staffing Change, 2024 Budget Schedule, Checks and Invoices

August 15, 2023

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, and Roll Call
President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence.

Roll Call was taken with the following Village Board members present: Trustee Heather Gergen, Trustee Bob Rohde, Trustee Kelli Belt, Trustee Chris Krasovich, Trustee Jim Grabowski; Trustee Craig Roberts; and President Jeff Knutson.

Also Present: Village Attorney, Mark Blum; Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; Village Treasurer, Kayla Haack; Director of Public Works, Dan Naze; Village Engineer, Tim Barbeau; Village Planner, Mary Censky; and Village Clerk, Cassie Smith.

2. Public Hearings/Presentations

a. Public Hearing on Ordinance to amend Sections 40.221(a), 40.229(a), 40.268, 40.301, 40.319, and 40.400.1(2)(b) of the Village Code pertaining to maximum permitted building height, and to amend Section 40.426(J)(1) of the Village Code pertaining to residential use parking regulations

b. Public Hearing on Ordinance to amend Section 40.400.1.(1) of the Village Code pertaining to the maximum percentage of units within a senior housing development (developed under the HEO - Housing for the Elderly Overlay Zoning District) which may be allocated toward independent living.
Pamela Belz – 2823 Hamlin Ave, Roseville, MN – Ms. Belz asked for consideration of the proposed ordinance amendment 2023-14 regarding the change of independent living units as proposed. She recited some background information and stated that the demand is for independent living has increased and further stated that based on their study there is an oversupply of assisted living and memory care through 2026 and beyond.

3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

a. Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting – August 1, 2023
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to approve the August 1, 2023 minutes of the Regular Village Board meeting as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

4. Citizen Comments

5. Ordinances

a. Possible Action on Ordinance No. 2023-14, Ordinance to amend Sections 40.221(a), 40.229(a), 40.268, 40.301, 40.319, and 40.400.1(2)(b) of the Village Code pertaining to maximum permitted building height, and to amend Section 40.426(J)(1) of the Village Code pertaining to residential use parking regulations
Planner Censky gave an overview regarding the past Plan Commission discussions and presented the draft Ordinance as to what the Commission recommended. In the review of the B-2 Downtown zoning district, the Plan Commission discussed density and looked at what the surrounding communities have for their downtown area. In discussion with other local Municipal Planners, the consensus was that preserving open space in the downtown areas is not the direction currently. Also, parking spaces in these areas have decreased. The proposed ordinance would increase the allowable height of a structure and base parking requirements on the density of a multifamily development. Discussion followed regarding residential parking requirements.
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve Ordinance 2023-14 to Amend Sections 40.221(a), 40.229(a), 40.268, 40.301, 40.319, and 40.400.1(2)(b) of the Village Code pertaining to maximum permitted building height, and to amend Section 40.426(J)(1) of the Village Code pertaining to residential use parking regulations as Presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

b. Possible Action on Ordinance No. 2023-15, Ordinance to amend Section 40.400.1.(1) of the Village Code pertaining to the maximum percentage of units within a senior housing development (developed under the HEO - Housing for the Elderly Overlay Zoning District) which may be allocated toward independent living.
Planner Censky stated this modification is a percentage change in the maximum number of independent living units. This change would affect the whole municipality in this zoning overlay district not just one development. At the time the Plan Commission drafted and created this overlay district with the independent living percentage it was created due to impact on services. Senior Housing Partners presented a proposed change for the independent percentage to move from 50% to 75% of independent living. Trustee Roberts explained that the Plan Commission reviewed several scenarios and the concern in the past there was more concern about adding rental properties and the current concern is the cost of services. Changing the ratio for independent living is more advantageous, this is a simple update to give some leeway on applications that are presented in the future.
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to approve Ordinance 2023-15 to Amend Section 40.400.1.(1) of the Village Code pertaining to the maximum percentage of units within a senior housing development (developed under the HEO - Housing for the Elderly Overlay Zoning District) which may be allocated toward independent living as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

6. Resolutions– None

7. Old Business

a. Strategic Plan Update – Focus Group Progress
Trustee Roberts explained that he met with four focus groups and he has started compiling the responses. He will present the findings at the next meeting and the Village Board will need to decide whether a community survey is needed or if they would work from what has been discovered from the groups. The Village Board thanked Trustee Roberts for taking the lead on this project.

8. New Business

a. Discussion and Possible Action on Award of Bid for Kiwanis Village Park Sanitary Sewer Lateral Replacement Project
Engineer Barbeau explained that the restrooms at the Kiwanis Village Park Pavilion have had backup issues for quite some time. It was discovered that the sewer pipe was basically flat without a slope. The Village went out for bids to install a grinder pump, force main, and electrical hook-up. Two bids were received with Mid City Corp. having the lowest bid at $132,150. Administrator Gosse stated that the infrastructure fund has $1.2 million, and the Village Board has allocated $300,000 for the purchase of an aerial bucket truck with an anticipated delivery date of 1/31/2025 and the remaining funds could be used for this project.
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Rhode to Award the Sanitary Sewer Grinder Pump and Force Main Project to Mid City Corporation not to Exceed $132,150 to Replace the Sanitary Dewer Lateral at Kiwanis Village Park Sanitary as Presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

b. Discussion and Direction Regarding Request from Matter Development to share steel casing pipe for water main pipe and sanitary sewer lateral pipe
Mark Seidl, representing Matter Development, stated that the Westerly sewer and water access is being connected from an easement in Walmart‘s parking lot and extending under Hwy 164 to their building and about 1 month ago the construction crew started hitting big boulders and rocks, which had to be mined by hand because the auger is not able to move through the stone. The general DNR requirement is that two separate casing pipes are recommended: one for water and one for sewer. The DNR is willing to consider the placement of the watermain and sanitary sewer lateral in one pipe given the field conditions for this site. Director Naze suggested that if one pipe would be considered by the DNR or DSPS to contain both services the Village should consider allowing the water service and sewer main pipe to be private services which would begin at the easement in Walmart parking lot in a meter vault. Discussion followed regarding the maintenance and the consensus was to privatize the main and install a public meter vault with a meter if the DNR and DSPS allow for the sewer and water to be encased together.

c. Discussion and Direction on Conceptual Village Hall Staffing Change
Clerk Smith presented staffing change at the Village Hall, moving to two full-time positions: a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Treasurer position. Smith explained that staffing needs have increased, and the office would like to become proactive regarding the transition period due to the retirement of the Accounts Payable/Admin. Assistant position. Splitting duties between a Deputy Clerk and a Deputy Treasurer would be advantageous during different seasons such as elections, utility billing, audit, and licensing. Treasurer Haack explained that a percentage of the position wages could be split with the utilities so that the levy would not be supporting both positions in full. Haack stated that workload and compliance have increased. The software has created many efficiencies, but the backlog of work continues to grow. Discussion regarding the Finance Director position referenced in the Charter Ordinances and the increase of hours followed. Direction was provided to move forward with the proposal as presented with staff to bring the matter back to the Village Board for formal review, budget impacts and possible approval.

d. Discussion and Direction Regarding 2024 Budget Review Schedule
Administrator Gosse presented the 2024 budget review schedule which is consistent with past budget discussions. The direction by the Village Board was to move forward with the 2024 budget schedule as below:
• September 5th – Police Department & Library
• September 19th – General Administration and Park & Recreation
• October 3rd – DPW and Utilities
• October 17th – continued discussion
• November 7th – continued discussion
• November 21st (tentative) – Village Board public hearing/action on proposed 2024 budget

e. Monthly Approval of Checks and Invoices for all Funds – July 2023
Trustee Roberts moved, seconded by Trustee Rhode to approve the July 2023 checks and invoices for all funds, except the library, as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Gergen to acknowledge the July 2023 check and invoices regarding the Library.
Motion carried 7-0.

9. Citizen Comments - None

10. Adjournment
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to adjourn the August 1, 2023 Regular Village Board meeting at approximately 7:38 p.m.
Motion carried 7-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Casandra Smith Village Clerk

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