Strategic Plan update and survey tool, special event and temp alcohol license for Kiwanis Beach Party, Transfer Reserve license publication, April 2, 2024 meeting date change, preliminary Q4 financial reports, appoint Plan Commission members. Closed session regarding Administrator and US Cellular Cell Tower Agreement.
February 6, 2024
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, and Roll Call
President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence.
Roll Call was taken with the following Village Board members present: Trustee Heather Gergen; Trustee Bob Rohde; Trustee Kelli Belt; Trustee Chris Krasovich; Trustee Craig Roberts; Trustee Jim Grabowski, and President Jeff Knutson.
Also Present: Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Scott Gosse; and Village Clerk, Cassie Smith.
2. Public Hearings/Presentations – None.
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
a. Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting – January 16, 2024
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to approve the January 16, 2024, minutes of the Regular Village Board meeting as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.
4. Citizen Comments - None.
5. Ordinances – None.
6. Resolutions – None.
7. Old Business – None.
8. New Business
a. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Strategic Plan Update Process and Budget Allocation for Survey Tool
Trustee Roberts gave an overview of the project and explained that the next step is the community survey. This project will not be completed by the time Trustee Robert's term expires (April 15, 2024) therefore, he asked if the Village Board would like him to stay on to help with this community survey and if the Village Board would be willing to approve a budget not to exceed $6,500.
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski for Trustee Roberts to continue as the lead for this project through its completion.
Trustee Gergen volunteered to step down until after Trustee Roberts is no longer on the Village Board. Discussion continued regarding the mailing of the postcards.
Motion carried 7-0.
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to approve a budget not to exceed $6,500 in expenses related to the community survey.
Motion carried 7-0.
b. Discussion and Possible Action on Special Event Permit Application for the 2024 Kiwanis Beach Party
Trustee Roberts asked about tent stakes in the road, Administrator Gosse confirmed that they are to be repaired after the event.
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to approve the Special Event Application for the 2024 Kiwanis Beach Party on June 21 and 22, 2024 as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.
c. Discussion and Possible Action on Temporary Alcohol License for the 2024 Kiwanis Beach Party
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to approve the “Class B”/Class “B” Temporary Alcohol License for the 2024 Kiwanis Beach Party on June 21 and 22, 2024 as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.
d. Discussion and Possible Action on Publishing a Third Time for the Reserve Transfer “Class B” Intoxicating Liquor License
President Knutson asked that this be back to the Village Board to publish a third time.
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve a third publication of the Reserve Transfer “Class B” Intoxicating Liquor License availability as Presented.
Motion carried 7-0.
e. Discussion and Action Regarding Date Change Regarding April 2, 2024, Meeting Date Due to Election Item discussed with 8d.
An ordinance was approved in 2022 that states “Regular meetings of the village board shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at a time as established by the village board. Any regular meeting falling upon a legal holiday or election day shall be held on the next following secular day or as established by action of the village board at a prior meeting.” The first meeting in April will be held on April 3rd, 2024.
f. Review of Preliminary 4th Quarter 2023 Financial Report
Administrator Gosse stated that the processing of 2023 payables runs through February 16th therefore, these financials are preliminary. The audit takes place in the last week of February. Any surplus would go into the fund balance and anything over 40% of the 2024 budgeted expenditures would be applied to infrastructure funds.
g. Discussion and Possible Action on Committee Appointments
President Knutson stated that two Commissioners have resigned from the Plan Commission, and he recommended that Samuel Liebert and Kaitie Jelacic fill the vacancies for the remainder of the terms.
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Gergen to appoint Katie Jelacic and Samuel Liebert as a regular Plan Commission member for the remainder of the term ending April 30, 2025, as presented.
Trustee Belt stated that she does not like that both members come from the public sector. Trustee Roberts stated that they saw that as a plus because they understand the role of the Plan Commission due to how technical these projects can be.
Motion carried 7-1; Trustee Belt voting nay.
9. Citizen Comments – None.
10. Closed Session – The Village Board of the Village of Pewaukee will enter into closed session pursuant to Wis. Statute Section 19.85(1)(c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, specifically regarding Village Administrator; and pursuant to Wis. Statute Section 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically regarding US Cellular Cell Tower Agreement.
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to move into Closed Session at approximately 6:31 p.m.
Motion carried on roll call vote 7-0.
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to move into Open Session at approximately 7:02 p.m.
Motion carried on roll call vote 7-0.
11. Reconvene Into Open Session.
a. Possible Direction on US Cellular Cell Tower Agreement
No action was taken.
12. Adjournment
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Roberts to adjourn the February 6, 2024, Regular Village Board meeting at approximately 7:03 p.m.
Motion carried, 7-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Casandra Smith Village Clerk