Bell Towner Memorial, Inc. Agreement, Joint Library Agreement, and Resolution 2024-14 Pewaukee Public Library Funding and exemption from the 2024 Waukesha County Library Tax Levy.
Special Village Board
September 26, 2024 – 4:00 pm
Village Hall
235 Hickory Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072
1. Call to Order and Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, & Moment of Silence
President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 4:00 p.m.
Village Board members present: Trustee Gergen; Trustee Rohde; Trustee Belt; Trustee Krasovich; Trustee Kreuser; Trustee Grabowski and Village President, Jeff Knutson.
Also present: Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Matt Heiser; and Deputy Clerk, Mackenzie Quigley.
2. New Business –
a. Discussion and possible action on the Access, Donation and Maintenance Agreement between the Village and Bell Tower Memorial, Inc.
Discussion was held regarding information discussed at the September 9, 2024, Joint Park and Recreation Board meeting.
Trustee Rohde explained that the plans for the Bell Tower remain the same with the following exceptions:
- The granite path that was proposed to be to Caldwell Street has been eliminated.
- Timing has also changed -
- Phase 1 (95% of the work) is ready to go once given the okay, with the goal of completion being November 11, 2024 (Veteran’s Day).
- Phase 2 would be the construction of the tower off-site, followed by delivery and installation. Estimated completion would be in 2025.
Trustee Gergen motioned to extend the agreement through 2025/seconded by Trustee Grabowski.
Motion Carried 7-0
3. Closed Session – The Village Board of the Village of Pewaukee will enter into closed session pursuant to Wis. Statute Section 19.85(1)(e) deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically regarding the Joint Library Agreement with the City of Pewaukee.
Trustee Rohde motioned/ seconded by Trustee Krasovich to move into closed session.
Motion carried 7-0.
4. Reconvene Into Open Session -
a. Possible action on Joint Library Agreement with the City of Pewaukee.
Trustee Gergen motioned to approve the Joint Library Agreement with the City of Pewaukee as presented/seconded by Trustee Rohde.
Motion carried 7-0.
b. Discussion and possible action on Resolution 2024-14, a resolution committing to the required funding for the Pewaukee Public Library and requesting exemption from the 2024 Waukesha County Library Tax Levy for 2025 purposes.
Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski, stated that given the uncertainty of the City of Pewaukee still having to approve the Joint Library Agreement, the resolution as drafted in the packet reflects the fact that the village will be in a joint library and thus makes an election for a calculation under the statute based upon those facts.
Village Attorney Recommendations:
Motion to approve the resolution as presented; However, also authorize staff that in the event that the City of Pewaukee does not approve the joint library agreement, that staff have authorization to amend the resolution to insert the language electing the other statutory calculation – an amount no less than $273,631.
Trustee Gergen motioned/seconded by Trustee Krasovich to approve Resolution 2024-14 with the Village Attorneys recommendations.
Motion carried 7-0
5. Adjournment -
Trustee Grabowski motioned/seconded by Trustee Kreuser to adjourn the September 26, 2024, Special Village Board meeting at approximately 4:24 p.m.
Motion carried 7-0
Respectfully submitted,
Mackenzie Quigley
Deputy Clerk