Ordinance 2024-06 Addition of a Right Arrow Sign, 2025 Village Budget, Proposed Revisions of the Fire & EMS Protection Fee, Well 7 Site Selection, Transfer Reserve "Class B" Liquor License Applications, World War I Memorial Project, September 2024 Checks and Invoices, Storm Water Maintenance Agreements with Pewaukee School District, and Fishing Pier storage at Lakefront Park.
October 15, 2024
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, and Roll Call
President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence.
Roll Call was taken with the following Village Board members present: Trustee Heather Gergen, Trustee Bob Rohde, Trustee Kelli Belt, Trustee Chris Krasovich, Trustee Kristen Kreuser, Trustee Jim Grabowski; and President Jeff Knutson.
Also Present: Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Matt Heiser; Department of Public Works Director, Dave Buechel, and Village Clerk, Jenna Peter.
2. Public Hearings/Presentations - None
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
a. Minutes of the Special Village Board Meeting – September 26, 2024
b. Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting – October 1, 2024
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Kreuser to approve the September 26, 2024 minutes of the Special Village Board meeting as presented
Motion carried 7-0.
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to approve the October 1, 2024 minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting with the correction to item 8B. Trustees Gergen, Belt, and Kreuser Abstain
Motion carried 4-0
Item 8B, White “Can” changed to White “Cane”.
4. Citizen Comments
Brice Kingsbury – Representing First Watch – Mr. Kingsbury wanted to make himself available for questions and review of the available Reserve B Liquor License. He reported that they close at 2:30 every day, they do not have a physical bar, they have a limited number of cocktails, mimosas are the most popular drink and that they have four other locations. He told the Board their goal is to expand it’s offerings to the Village.
5. Ordinances
a. Discussion and possible action on Ordinance 2024-06, to Amend the Official Village Traffic Map for the Addition of a Right Arrow Sign at the Intersection of Burroughs Dr. and Evergreen Ln.
Trustee Grabowski explained to the Board that this issue came before the Public Works and Safety Committee. It is a private street located behind Agape church. Residents are requesting a directional arrow to show the street continues to the right instead of straight into their private drive. Numerous cars have turned around in the driveways. Cost of installation will fall upon the HOA.
Trustee Gergen moved to approve ordinance 2024-06, seconded Trustee Rohde.
Motion carried 7-0.
6. Resolutions– None
7. Old Business
a. Discussion and possible action on review of the updated draft of the 2025 Village budget.
Administrator Heiser described the updates since the October 1 meeting including:
1. Increases in the capital projects fund for street projects.
2. Increased the police wages three percent.
3. Increased fire service expense by three percent. The city finalized the numbers for the fire department and they show a four percent increase in the cost so the Village budget needs to be changed.
Administrator Heiser reported that expenses are about equal to revenues which results in a slight decrease to the mill rate.
Trustee Belt commented it would be helpful to have a budget packet with fund balances and seeing what the current fund balances are. Trustee Belt asked for staff to explore any alternative ways other than taking out debt for projects. Trustee Belt commented that the police request for outlay is a fairly large ask and for staff to explore what can potentially be scaled back ($214,000). Trustee Belt noted an example asking if more barricades needed. Trustee Belt also asked about the police vehicle maintenance budget being the same as last year and if there will be savings from the new mechanic on staff? Administrator Heiser responded the Police Department pays for DPW time spent on their vehicles. Trustee Belt asked about potentially using money from the infrastructure fund to reduce debt.
Trustee Grabowski commented the Village is trying to get rid of the orange construction barricades and agrees the number can be decreased for the Police Department.
Trustee Gergen asked DPW Director Buechl about equipment replacements. Dir. Buechl advised the backhoe and dump truck need to be replaced and that they are not adding vehicles to the fleet. He told the board replaced vehicles go on an auction site.
b. Discussion and possible action on proposed revisions to Chapter 93 of the Village Code (Fire & EMS Protection Fee)
Administrator Heiser introduced this proposal. He explained to the Board that it treats all residences the same. It does not look at call volumes or use rates but rather establishes the base ESE as the same for all residential units. Administrator Heiser informed the Board if the same amount of money were recovered by the fee the net impact would be $117 more per household for single and multi-family units while senior housing would see a decrease. The new amount would be $358 as opposed to the $241 that was charged in 2023 if the total expenses were the same. This does not take into account the new units at Kirkland Crossing or the Westerly.
Attorney Gralinski advised there would be a new resolution every year to set the ESE base. New development in Kirkland and Westerly would not be included for 2024 since they are not finished.
Trustee Gergen asked what residences were included in senior living in the staff memo. Administrator Heiser stated they were changed to Single Family/Multi-Family for the calculation.
Attorney Gralinski explained to the Board the ordinance is structured as a special charge on the tax bill charging for occupancy as of January 1. Thus, if someone has not taken occupancy before January 1 of the new year they get a year essentially “free” with no fee.
Trustee Krasovich asked staff to explore how other municipalities found a way to address this timing because it seems like a loophole for people not to get their occupancy before the first of the year.
Trustee Gergen asked if commercial and industrial properties are charged an additional ESE based on square footage. Administrator Heiser responded they were but warned that the percentages do not always translate mathematically. When the ESE was adjusted it did slightly change the commercial fees from 2023 to 2024.
Trustee Grabowski asked if the mobile home parcel was counted as one ESE instead of multiple.
Administrator Heiser was not able to confirm that but will include that for the next meeting.
Trustee Gergen noted that Delafield’s ESE has a much lower threshold for what constitutes an ESE and asked if the Village should we change ours to something similar.
Attorney Gralinski responded that Delafield’s fits with the proposal for the Village.
Trustee Krasovich expressed gratitude to staff for researching.
Trustee Kreueser asked if there were any legals concerns with the square footage analysis?
Attorney Gralinski responded that the concern is mostly over housing. Once the Village addresses housing there is not much concern with commercial and industrial. Attorney Gralinski further explained the ESE is not based on zoning.
Trustee Gergen asked about Delafield using bed counts in their ESE and if that is a model the Village should use. Administrator Heiser recommended treating all residences the same and not to use bed counts.
8. New Business
a. Discussion and possible action on Well 7 Site Selection
DPW Dir. Buechl explained this went before the Public Works and Safety Committee on 9/3/24 and 10/1/24. Staff presented three potential well sites at those two meetings. The Committee recommended the Cecelia Dr. location for the new well site to the Village Board. Dir. Buechl explained the criteria for the new well site.
Chris Epstein with Ruekert- Mielke presented slides to the Village Board showing the potential well sites and some differences between a water tower and a reservoir. Mr. Epstein agreed with Board comments that it would be helpful to have an updated cost/benefit analysis of electricity use between a tower or below ground reservoir.
Dir. Buechl reported he met with the City for potential cost sharing. He also described potential issues if there are two deep wells within a mile of one another.
President Knutson asked if staff looked at any property to purchase in the Village. He specifically asked about land on Highway 164 next to Costco. Staff responded that it had not explored that land and Pres. Knutson asked if it could be still be considered.
Trustee Rohde commented that the DNR is putting time pressure on the Village and this needs to keep moving forward. He also commented that this issue comes down to if it makes sense for the Village to install an elevated tower.
Trustee Grabowski commented that the Cecelia location was the best option through a public works standpoint. The Hawthorne property also required easements.
Mr. Epstein shared some different locations of the water tower on the Cecelia site.
Dir. Buechl reported that the Public Works and Safety Committee recommended the site in Figure 2. Trustee Grabowski concurred on the committee recommendation but added that it was the layout only and not whether the facility should be a tower or reservoir.
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to recommend the selection of site layout Figure No. 2 for the Cecelia Dr. location.
Motion carried 7-0.
b. Discussion and possible action on Transfer Reserve “Class B” Intoxicating Liquor License Applications (2 Applications Received)
• House of Theo LLC DBA: Rosati’s Pizza
• First Watch Restaurants, Inc. DBA: First Watch #6012
Attorney Gralinski advised the Board that “first come-first serve” does not apply to this license. First come first serve does not apply to this license.
Trustee Gergen commented she was leaning towards First Watch since this is the second time they are applying for this license.
Trustee Grabowski commented that First Watch is ready to use to its full extent right now. People have procured licenses and sat on them in the past. This will be implemented right away.
Trustee Kreuser-agreed that the license will be able to be used right away vs. in the interest of expanding.
Trustee Belt commented the Board denied First Watch the first time because it did not meet the comprehensive plan for the Village. She noted further she thought both are strong applicants and she was feeling strong that the license be utilized in the downtown area. Trustee Belt also noted she was not opposed to either applicant but would like to see it used downtown.
Trustee Grabowski commented the Village did award a license in the downtown recently. He also stated he believes the new liquor laws that went into effect for breweries and brew pubs, along with relaxed wine licenses, allows for flexibility in new locations.
Trustee Rohde commented he thought both businesses are great businesses.
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to approve the Transfer Reserve Class B to First Watch Restaurant.
Motion carried 7-0.
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Kreuser to deny House of Theo DBA Rosati’s Pizza for the Transfer Reserve Class B due to the fact that there are no licenses remaining.
Motion carried 7-0.
c. Discussion and possible action on Rehabilitation needs at World War I Memorial using ARPA Funds
DPW Dir. Buechl reported that Trustee Krasovich contacted the DPW to determine maintenance needs for the World War I Memorial in Lake Shore Park. He put together a list of maintenance needs including tuckpointing. Dir. Buechl reported he could only get one quote and it was for $1800. Dir. Buechl reported this was brought before Public Works and Safety Committee. The Committee wanted the work done ideally before Veteran’s Day so the work has already been contracted and completed.
Trustee Grabowski commented the Committee wanted it done right and wanted it done quickly because this is a focal point of the community. He also reported the Committee did not want to burden it on the DPW budget.
Trustee Rohde commented that people notice the efforts of the DPW team and they are doing great work.
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to use ARPA funds to pay for the World War 1 Memorial.
Motion carried 7-0.
d. Review of quarterly financial reports and monthly approval of the Checks and Invoices for All Funds – September 2024.
Trustee Grabowski moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to approve checks and invoices except for the Library
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Kreuser to acknowledge the library funds.
e. Discussion and possible action on storm water maintenance agreements with the Pewaukee School District
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to approve the 2 agreements presented related to storm water agreements.
Motion carried 7-0.
f. Discussion and possible action on storage of the fishing pier at Lakefront Park.
Trustee Kreuser stated the Park & Rec Director brought this up to her. The fishing pier will soon need to be removed from the lake for winter. Last year it was stored on the beach. The cost to ship and store the pier over the winter was approximately $3,400.
Trustee Grabowski requested the pier be stored a little further up than last year because they were at the edge of the water.
Trustee Rohde commented on the sizable cost savings and how storing it on the beach will extend the life of the pier. He reported the manufacturer advised the pier is not designed to be lifted onto trucks and stored offsite. Trustee Rohde also noted the removal of the pier can based on our timing and not a barge company.
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Kreuser, to approve the storage of the fishing pier at Lakefront Park in perpetuity.
Motion carried 7-0.
9. Citizen Comments- None
10. Closed Session – None
11. Adjournment
Trustee Gergen moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to adjourn the October 15, 2024 Regular Village Board meeting at approximately 7:46 p.m.
Motion carried 7-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jenna Peter
Village Clerk