March 3, 2025

3/4/2025 Village Board Meeting

Ordinance 2025-01 Allowing Golf Carts on Village Streets, Quiet Zone and Safety Bollards on W Wisconsin Ave update, and closed session on litigation cases: Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Inc. vs. the Village of Pewaukee Case 22CV000515; and Hawthorne Place LLC et al v. Village of Pewaukee Case 24CV1584; and Watercrest Investments, Lynette Koski, John Quaal, Nancy Anderson (by corporate guardian), and Judith Ferko v. Village of Pewaukee Case Nos. 2024SC004094, 2024SC004093, 2024SC004092 and 2024SC004091. and DNR Consent Order for wells 4 and 6.

MARCH 4, 2025 

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, and Roll Call
President Knutson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:04 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, followed by a moment of silence.

Roll Call was taken with the following Village Board members present: Trustee Bob Rohde, Trustee Kelli Belt, Trustee Chris Krasovich, Trustee Kristen Kreuser, Trustee Jim Grabowski; and President Jeff Knutson.

Also Present: Village Attorney, Matt Gralinski; Village Administrator, Matt Heiser; Village Clerk, Jenna Peter.

2. Public Hearings/Presentations - None

3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
a. Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting – February 19, 2025
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Grabowski to approve the February 19, 2025, minutes of the Regular Village Board meeting with the change in the “motion carried” numbers being 4-0 on all motions instead of 5-0.
Trustees Belt and Kreuser abstained
Motion carried 4-0.

4. Citizen Comments- None

5. Ordinances –
a. Review, Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 2025-01 Allowing Golf Carts on Village Streets
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Rohde to table Ordinance 2025-01 for discussion at the March 18th meeting.
Motion carried 6-0.

6. Resolutions– None

7. Old Business - None

8. New Business
a. Update on topics from the Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting on March 4 (Quiet Zone project and Safety Bollards on W. Wisconsin Ave)
Trustee Grabowski updated the Board on topics discussed at the Public Works and Safety Committee meeting. Staff will be proceeding with getting bids for the Quiet Zone project, as well as, sending communication to the DOT as to why funding for this project will not be provided in 2025 as previously indicated. Grabowski further stated the bid process will not be held up for that project as the Committee directed Staff to include it in the bid for the work on E. Wisconsin Ave. Trustee Krasovich stated she wants the Village to take a stance and hold the DOT responsible for the hold-up.
The safety bollards on W. Wisconsin Ave will also be brought back at a later date for discussion.

9. Citizen Comments – None

10. Closed Session.The Village Board of the Village of Pewaukee will enter into closed session pursuant to Wis. Statute Section 19.85(1)(g) for the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved, specifically regarding: Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Inc. vs. the Village of Pewaukee Case 22CV000515; and Hawthorne Place LLC et al v. Village of Pewaukee Case 24CV1584; and Watercrest Investments, Lynette Koski, John Quaal, Nancy Anderson (by corporate guardian), and Judith Ferko v. Village of Pewaukee Case Nos. 2024SC004094, 2024SC004093, 2024SC004092 and 2024SC004091.

In addition, the Village Board of the Village of Pewaukee will remain in closed session pursuant to Wis. Statute Section 19.85(1)(g) for the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved, specifically regarding Consent Order with WI DNR for combined radium at entry point 100 (wells 4 and 6).

Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Kreuser to move into Closed Session at approximately 6:15 p.m. Motion carried on Roll Call vote, 6-0.

11. Reconvene into Open Session
Trustee Rohde moved, seconded by Trustee Krasovich to reconvene into Open Session at approximately 7:05 p.m. Motion carried on Roll Call vote, 6-0.
a. Discussion, review, and possible action regarding Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce Inc. vs. Village of Pewaukee Case 22CV000515
No action taken.
b. Possible Action on the Consent Order with WI DNR for combined radium at entry point 100 (wells 4 and 6).
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Kreuser to approve subject to Village Attorney’s final approval.
Motion carried 6-0.

12. Adjournment
Trustee Krasovich moved, seconded by Trustee Kreuser to adjourn the March 4, 2025, Regular Village Board meeting at approximately 7:06 p.m.
Motion carried 6-0.

Respectfully Submitted,


Jenna Peter
Village Clerk


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